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Welcome (2015)

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:37 am
by admin
Hello dear reader and welcome to Jedi Living. This website is dedicated to the practical and applicable transmission of Jedi Philosophy. Those of us who call ourselves do so because we were inspired by the Jedi Knights of Star Wars. In that inspiration we asked a simple question, why can't I live my life by the Way of the Jedi? Philosophy is rarely fictional. The ideas expressed through the movies were not made in a vacuum. George Lucas took from many aspects to bring his Jedi Order to life. Fan favorites range from Christianity to Taoism. Samurai and Stoicism. As the popularity of Star Wars grew many more authors contributed to the concept of Jedi Philosophy. This gave the a nice starting point. A blueprint to build our own foundations. Over the past twenty years we have used the internet to build a community of people seeking to live their lives as Jedi Knights. We have built our ideological structure around what inspired us, but have grown based upon our real-world experiences.

Jedi Living itself has been around since April 2007 (in one form or another). It was in March that I began the process of putting together my own organization. I had tried my hand at this before in 2000 and didn't have much success. Mostly because I wasn't offering anything different or new. Just one more Jedi site/forum out there and I didn't have a lot of experience to justify my own group. Eventually I changed the purpose of that group to Gateway of the Jedi. A place simply to point the way to the various active Jedi sites available in the community at the time. As I grew within the Jedi Community I eventually got the chance to run other established Jedi groups. But the problem was I had my own ideas. I had my own structure and training and concepts by this point. And while the previous administrators brought me in because they liked what I had to offer, the memebrs didn't appreciate the change to places they had come to expect certain things from. So after a bad experience running JEDI I regrouped with a couple of people and discussed where we could go from here. My student at the time, Jasta, said that it might be time to simply create our own place to focus on your own training. So we did that and left it open to any who might find it and might want to join us.

We are currently approaching our eighth year since that time. Many changes have occurred since that time. Some simply cosmetic and other changes a bit more drastic. We even tried our hand at a name change, which really didn't work out for us. Ultimately the intent and goal of Jedi Living has stayed the same. To bring the best quality of Jedi Training available to any and all who are interested. We also have committed to preserving the history of the old Jedi Community. Focusing specifically on the 1995 to 2002 years. While that leaves the past ten years to others, we feel confident that most of that information still exists and is easily accessible. With many members from that time still active.

Anyhow. I just wanted to give a welcome and brief introduction on our little internet home. Our forums are open for your use. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Jump into any discussion or topic that catches your eye. Feel free to partake in our open training program. We also offer old Jedi lessons from old Jedi sites which you can study and compare. You can also introduce yourself here in this forum. And please do. Give a hello. We'd love to hear from you. =D
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 11:17:30 AM by Opie Macleod »