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Opie Rambling: Beware the Jedi Group that does not value your Investment. (2015)

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:38 am
by admin
So as happens I was involved in a dust up in a Jedi group in the greater Jedi Community. This usually incites a Opie Rambling which normally would just go to my wordpress. However I did want to share my thoughts with a Jedi Group I have really come to value and care about (you guys if that isn't care :P ). Allow me to set the stage.

A topic about emotions comes up within a Jedi group. You however a counter view and an exchange of views from two Jedi ensues. You invest your time and opinion. Another topic on Jedi Service and how to best do that comes up. Again you engage with various Jedi investing time, thoughts, and effort. You care about the Jedi Path and those silently watching, reading, and reflecting on the various opinions offered. However the Administrator feels these "debates" make his group look like "other Jedi groups" which have arguments. So the administrator deletes the last 16 hours worth of discussion.

A couple things. First even incorrect views are teaching tools. The worse decisions in human history give us stark reminders of what not to do. Why these are bad things. And why we should really think before we act. Also the Jedi Path encourages the inquisitive mind. Question! If I tell you the Jedi Way is about punching people int he face that annoy you. You should really question that. Obviously something doesn't add up.

Second, sweeping dirt under the rug. Throwing trash in your closet. Yeah, these don't clean your room. They do not make your house better than your neighbors. You are ignoring issues. You are treating the symptom. Setting up the exact problems to resurface. You can only hide dysfunction for so long. Just ask the 1993 Houston Oilers (or last year's 49'ers). You have to address the underlying causes to truly improve your group. Not simply delete things you personally don't like to see.

Lastly, each member of a group has a life. They have limited time. The fact they chose to invest it with you is a wonderful thing. When they take time out of their day to offer their two cents it should be valued by the group. Whether agreed with or not is another matter. But certainly we can all agree that sharing our opinions within a group is an invest of time and energy. In a Jedi group we can be confident in saying it is also done with intentions of growth and education in mind. Intention and result being two different things of course, but I digress.

It is simply important in my opinion to invest your time with a group that will honor that investment. Maybe they don't agree, but certainly they give your words time and thought. They protect your contributions to the group. And continue to honor you commitment to their organization.