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Jedi Terminology (2014)

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 5:40 pm
by admin
Jedi - Fictional: A Jedi Knight was a person who was a part of the Knightly Order in Star Wars. In this definition they were Defenders of Peace and Justice in the galaxy.
Reality: A Jedi is a person seeking world-betterment through self-betterment through our specific path/ideology. Jedi is simply a person who lives by the Jedi Way in their everyday life. This means they adhere to the principles and ideals of the Jedi Path. The title/label is a personal choice which speaks to the individual. At the JAO we use the Jedi Circle to loosely define this ideology.

The Force - Fictional: The Force is an energy field created by all living beings and binds the galaxy together. It was later described as Midichlorians. Microscopic symbiotic organisms which connect a one to the rest of life. This can loosely be compared to Mitochondria.
Reality: The Force is an all-encompassing term to define Spiritual Belief. This doesn't necessarily mean a Godhead or Deity. But simply what we, as individual Jedi, view as the Sacred. This can be the Connectedness of Life, this can be the Immeasurable power of the human brain. This can be a God or Deities. This can be the Tao. Energy of the Universe, Qi, Ki. It can be Mana, Prana. Maybe it is Mitochondria. It is for each individual Jedi to explore and come to a conclusion for themselves. It may be a mixture. At the JAO it is called the Ineffable.

The Light Side - The Positive Side. The Bright Side. The idea that there is benefit. A silver-lining. Beneficial and Positive Focus. This term isn't used much int he community anymore. The dichotomy which is prevalent in Star Wars isn't so widely accepted in the reality of living the Jedi Path. However when used, it is meant as that positive thinking ideal.
Here at the JAO (Jedi Academy Online) we hold it to denote two things. The first is the illumination of knowledge. Self-knowledge, is a light within. Likewise we also hold this to mean Life. Creation. That knowledge and light is a process of building and creation.

The Dark Side - Unlike Light Side this term still has a lot of life. In the greater community people use the Dark Side as a way to denote evil, unchecked aggression, unchecked anger, destructive behavior.
Here at the JAO we use it in two different ways. The first is to denote ignorance of those places within ourselves we refuse to acknowledge and look. It is the dark side of the self - not anger, not fear, but simply the refusal to acknowledge all parts of the self. We count this as the second part (or second way) we look at the word - entropy.

The Other Labels (Shadow Jedi, Grey Jedi, Red Jedi, etc.) - Attempts to individualize a general path. At the JAO either one is a Jedi or they are not. Grey, Shadow are irrelevant terms which simply cloud the issue. Either one lives by the Jedi Way or they do not. There is no separate Jedi Path.

The Jedi Community - The collection of websites and organizations which pursue and endorse the Jedi Path.

Jedi Training - The process of study and application in the Jedi concepts and ideals to everyday life.

Padawan - An Apprentice to a Jedi Teacher/Mentor.

Jedi Knight - A Jedi who has been acknowledged as capable of being a teacher/mentor in the Jedi Path.

Jedi Master - pfft. Who knows. It is an undefined term. It is not used here at the JAO. Some Jedi use it as an honorific. Some use it to denote successful completion of teaching so many students. Some feel it is used to denote someone who exemplifies the Jedi Way. Always seek clarification and specifics when someone uses this title.

The Jedi Code - In 1987 West End Games wrote a Jedi Code for role-players to help them get into the mindset of a Jedi character. This is the format we will be using. In 1996 a fifth line was included to the Jedi Code (in a different format) and we will be using this added line as well. The Jedi Code has found its role as a mantra for most Jedi. As such you may see it referred to as The Jedi Mantra. However there is a way to look as the basis of the Path. That is what we'll present here.

There is no emotion; there is peace. = Emotional Well-Being.
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. = Mental/Intellectual Well-Being.
There is no passion; there is serenity. = Environmental/Financial Well-Being.
There is no chaos; there is harmony. = Physical Well-Being.
There is no death; there is the Force. = Spiritual Well-Being.
Last edited by Opie Macleod on Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.