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Important Information (2024)

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2024 8:46 pm
by admin
Hey everyone! Wanted to give a clear message as to the state of Jedi Living and the future of this group.

First - looking for Jedi Training? It will be hosted at our original Forums:
This was once Ez-Board, then Yuku, and now Tapatalk. Ez-Board has a long history with the Jedi Community going back to 1999 with Jedi Academy, Jedi Creed would follow and soon almost every Jedi Board you could find was hosted there. They had a huge server wipe on May 31, 2005, wiping out a lot of history. Jedi Academy Online was created April 07th 2007 on Ez-Board about a year before Ez-Board became Yuku. Tapatalk basically made yuku app based some time ago and that brings us up to speed.

History lesson aside - we are going back to that forum due to the stability and safety of preserving the material. Part of the issue of losing our original Jedi Living forum was financial. With our old forum should such an occurrence happen again, we can rest assured that the bulk of our work will remain.

This forum and web domain will likely expire soon. Grab what you can. Though I'll be looking to move over the Salvaged forum posts to the new/old forum as well. I am currently just too busy with other things in life to really manage the financial and upkeep side of things to really dedicate a website and space. I have some plans and updates in the works (including an automated academy). But our Ezboard format currently allows the safest and easiest option for us to continue as a group.

My fullest apologies. The best apology is changed behavior - learning from the mistake. This is why I am going back to a safer (still not safest) option to preserve the hard work and journey you all invested in. While the lesson of loss and impermanence is an important one that does little to salve the sting of loss. It was my responsibility to keep your work and materials safe. I failed in more ways than one. I failed to account for certain factors, I was over-confident in my back-ups. And less diligent in preservation efforts. And my abilities to save the material were obviously lacking. None of this explains what actually happened - the loss of the forums was more than one thing. A lot of factors were involved. But the fact remains it was my job, my duty as Administrator and Creator to safeguard that and ultimately I was simply careless. So I owe you all an apology and will seek to do and be better in the future.

Onto New Beginnings. May the Force Be With You, Always.