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Re: The Self: (2016)

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 7:44 am
by admin
-= The Self: Lecture Ten =-
Congratulations Jedi, you have faced the Dark Cave of the Self and are still here. Impressive, most impressive. In all seriousness, not everyone makes it this far. In fact many do not get to this point, but here you are. I am not sure what the results have been in your journey thus far, but I can say that you deserve to feel good about yourself. You have accomplished something, it may not seem like a lot to you (or maybe it seems like you just conquered Mt. Everest), but you deserve credit.

When I first started in the Jedi Community we had no real lessons. We had a few "lecture" on things like the Jedi Code or lines from the Star Wars movies, but nothing tangible. It was mostly reading and repeating. If you could recite the information well enough then you would be considered a Jedi Knight in no time. If you could do that and you were friendly and liked, you'd be made a Jedi Master. There was no digging into the one person who could destroy everything you worked for.

As we like to say here - You Are Your Own Jedi Master. Likewise You Are Your Own Sith Lord. There is one person who can completely derail you and everything you are seeking to accomplish. And the fact of it is, if you do not face that person you will stumble, you will fail, you will lose your way. You are your biggest enemy and it is important that you face that and make sure it doesn't happen. Don't do that to yourself. It is not necessary. i promise life will offer enough challenges for you as a Jedi. :happy: So don't add to it unnecessarily.

This is a lesson I wish had been passed onto me when I started. But I mean this whole website and training program is my wish fulfillment. :lol: If you were wondered what I had hoped to find when I went looking for real Jedi - well this is pretty much it. The lessons that I felt could have saved me some grief along the Path as well. Hopefully you have found this time useful and worth your invest of time and effort. Lets conclude this last lesson with some old questions.
:: The Self Assignment Ten ::
Why Jedi? I mean seriously, out of all the things you could be doing, why Jedi? Why not Taoism? Why not Yoga? Why not Tai Chi? Why not Stoicism? Why Jedi?
How do you think you are doing as a Jedi?
What are you enjoying about life currently?
What are you looking forward to the most?