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Re: The History: (2016)

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:02 am
by admin
-= The History: Lecture Ten =-
Jediism as a term really hit the scene in the online Jedi Community in 2001. This was in response to the Census media attention that was occurring at the time. Reporters and news media found the idea funny and run a few segments and articles laughing at the idea and any who called themselves Jedi. Religion or otherwise.

Within the Jedi Community it brought forth the the old issue of segregation. In a desire to separate themselves from these newcomers many Jedi began to use the term Jedi Realism. To denote that for the past few years they had been actively and realistically studying and living the Jedi Way.

Of course this just meant that people informed by the media found Jediism sites first. And the lack of experience and knowledge of our history at these places meant they were starting at square one. It really created a problem of standards and unity. As these things were just starting to be looked at in a favorable light within the community. There was a budding idea that unity through solidarity meant be possible. Of course with the continued use of Colors (Red, Purple, Grey) and now the addition of Isms - the Jedi couldn't really get on the same ground. So things continued on.

For our lesson. We will look at Jediism (the website). It was one of the first main Jediism websites and certainly one that gained the most popularity. It collapsed under its weight - but certainly the reason why will be familiar to all Jedi History students. Politics, Ego, Authority, your basic lack of actually applying the Jedi Way to running a web-group. No surprises. The impact was felt. But lets put that aside as we have previously and look more statistically at the site.
::Site Name::
::Created By::
Christopher (jediknightism)
::Creation Date::
November 8th 2001

::About Website (from website)::
Jediism is not the same as that which is portrayed within the Star Wars Saga by George Lucas and Lucasfilm LTD. George Lucas' Jediâ„¢ are fictional characters that exist within a literary and cinematic universe. The Jediâ„¢ discussed within this website refer to factual people within this world that live or lived their lives according to Jediism, of which we recognize and work together as a community to both cultivate and celebrate. Jediâ„¢ Apprentices, Knights, Commanders, Scholars, Masters, Scribes and High Councilors embrace Jediism as a real living, breathing religion, and sincerely strive to seek out and emulate real life examples of Jediism in the long rich history of mankind. Jediism bases less of its focus on myth and fiction, and more upon those real life examples of Jediism.

The history of the path of Jediism traverses thought which is well over 5,000 years old. It shares many themes embraced in Hinduism, Confucionism, Buddhism, Gnosticism, Stoicism, Catholicism, Taoism, Shinto, Modern Mysticism, the Way of the Shaolin Monks, the Knight's Code of Chivalry and the Samurai Warriors. We recognize that many times the answers to mankind's problems comes from within the purified hearts of genuine seekers of truth. Theology, philosophy and religious doctrine can facilitate this process, but we believe that it would be a futile exercise for any belief system to claim to hold all the answers to all the serious questions posed to seekers of truth in the 21st century. Jediism may help facilitate this process, yet we also acknowledge that it is up to the true believer who applies the universal truths inherent within Jediism to find the answers they seek.
Definitely Jedi Religion focused - Jediism. Would eventually have an academy, but would start off with Apprenticeships and continue that until it closed.
::History from Site and/or Creator::
Unavailable. Will look for a different contributor. Until then - a couple Jedi Articles which came out in 2001 on Jediism. Enjoy...
Jediism (website) specifically: ... ticle.html
On Jediism, Census, and Jedi Creed:
::My Experience, View, Involvement::
Limited. Unpleasant. Would not make for good reading. Instead we'll go a different route. Explore the site without a bias opinion beforehand. See if that makes a difference. Enjoy it.

::Archived Version of Site::
Video Lecture:
Covered mostly in the Jedi Creed video. Feel free to rewatch.
:: The History Assignment Ten ::
What did you like about the website?
What didn't you like about it?
What impact do you feel this site may have had on the community as it is now? If any.
Do you think you would have stuck around and sought to be a Jedi if this were the first and only website you found?
What was your favorite lesson?
What did you think of the Jedi Articles?
Do you feel the posting rules were valid and would work well as discussion forum standard?
If you were to create your own ideal Jedi site/group what would you take from this site, if anything?