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Re: The Lifestyle: (2016)

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:19 am
by admin
-= The Lifestyle: Lecture Ten =-
We leave off on one of the more desire topics. The Force. There is no quick answer or lesson to be had with the Force. Some see the Force and think cool oobie powers, like telekinesis, moving things with the mind. They think Jedi Mind Trick, how cool would that be? But even if these tricks are possible, that is not an answer to the Force. And offers little understanding of the Force. If you want to learn about the Force, you first have to forget such ideas as Force Powers. That should not be a goal for a Jedi. A Jedi is a Jedi because of how they live, not because they have unlocked some mystical trick.

The truth about the Force is that we do not have a definite answer for it. It can be classified in many ways. And while most go with a more paranormal or supernatural view, I call the Force Ineffable. Mostly I like to think of the Force as an idea. An idea to live up to, an idea to follow. It is said that the Force is created by all living things. It connects us and binds the galaxy together. What a wonderful idea to guide someone in life. An idea that what we do effects us all.

It is not a new idea or one which is solely the Jedi's. However it is a great guide to action. We are connected, there is a flow between us all and our actions, our reactions, effect all we are connected to and change the flow that surrounds us. You can break this down into two different well-known principles. The first being, treat others how you would like to be treated. And the second being a cause and effect principle, an understanding that your choices do have effects and consequences, thus one should not act/react carelessly.

We can say that the Force is an energy field. And we would have basic science to support us to a point. We could say the Force is the mysteries that reside in our brains, human will, our drive to not only survive, but to excel. We could compare the Force with other established ideas such as Tao in Taoism. Or the Holy Spirit in Christianity. Or we could compare it to ideas of Chi/Ki as present via Qigong. In the end, the source material doesn't really matter to the Jedi Path, because it is an ideal.

Sure, if you want oobie powers and fancy party tricks, you need to have a clear understanding of the source. If you are seeking immortality then you would need to have pure understanding of the essence of life. If you are seeking to move objects with a wave of your hand, then you need to understand the principles to make that happen. But if that is your goal, than you are better suited looking elsewhere. Plenty of paths out there that promise great rewards. Jedi promises a life-long path of world-betterment through self-betterment. It is lots of work and responsibility. Fun, fun.

I also like to look toward the Force in known science, in the basic laws of physics. I see the Force in everyday life, in life in general. I see it in our five senses. In the electrical currents in our squeeshy brain. The thermal energy we radiate. The kinetic energy we can produce. Nothing really mystical, just the amazing way the universe seems to work and follow. I just tend to allow the mysteries to be mysteries and live in wonder of the things we can currently record and explain. There are plenty focuses and ways to explore the Force. And that is something for each Jedi to chose for themselves.

And that is what this boils down to in the end. We will explore the Force more in-depth in further tiers of this Academy. But that does not change nor should it change how one approaches the spiritual, the mystical. The answers of the Force are found within. They are for you and you alone. Spiritual well-being is core, but is also very personal.
:: The Lifestyle Assignment Ten ::
What do think the Force is? Write in your journal your current view. Does not have to be in-depth.
After that I want you to take the next couple of weeks really exploring what the Force means to you. How you feel it. How you define it, if at all.
Just take time to observe life. Stand for a few minutes in the backyard or park or forest, and just observe the trees, flowers, insects, life. Take time to sit outside a coffee shop and just people watch, observe as life moves on. Go for a walk and notice the ants, the spiders, the birds, the flora. Seek, during the week, to incorporate a time of reflection and observation. As many times as you can during this time. Feel free to add in some meditation if you so desire. Also consider looking into other ideas out there such as Tao, Chi, etc.
At the end of the two weeks re-approach the question - Tell me, What is the Force?