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The Philosophy: (2016)

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:04 am
by admin
Jedi Philosophy is going to be a mixed exploration of the core Texts which have made up and helped define exactly what Jedi Philosophy and Ideology is. Some of these texts will be fictional. Most will be texts which were written for Jedi by Jedi. I use that saying a bit loosely in some cases. Remember that people are Human Beings first. Meaning not all of them are decent or Jedi or well... Lets just say that even if you find the texts helpful and useful don't idolize or place the creators on any sort of pedestal. This is the same warning for creators of Jedi Websites and Jedi History. Human Beings are flawed. And in case it isn't clear - this certainly applies to be as well. Not only was I once not a Jedi, but I have misunderstood and misapplied Jedi concepts several times over the years. I have not always made the smartest decisions as a Jedi or as a Human Being - so no pedestals.

Anyhow. Back to the point of this class. It is Jedi specific. Sure learning about Joseph Campbell and Alan Watts can be fun. Digging into Taoism and Stoicism and exploring the similarities and differences can be entertaining and worthwhile, but Jedi Living has always been about one thing - Living as a Jedi in everyday life. And you do that by learning about the Jedi Way - not by reading the Bushido Code or Living the Martial Way.

Jedi are Jedi. Samurai are Samurai. Stoics are Stoics. Taoism is Taoism. Here we encourage learning about these various topics. But it is vitally important that we respect each Path for what it is. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people put a lot of time, energy, and effort into making all those labels mean what they do. They fought hard to solidify the definitions and lifestyle associated with each. Being a Buddhist doesn't make you a Jedi. Just as being a Jedi doesn't make you a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. Respect the labels.

So to help facilitate that. Lets dig into what it means to be and live as a Jedi. As offered by a few of the more popular Jedi texts which exist in the Jedi Community.

Re: The Philosophy: (2016)

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:05 am
by admin
-= The Philosophy: Lecture One =-
Welcome to Jedi Code week (Technically two weeks). You have the History. You have the Lore. And now you have. Well. The Code and You. So I mean, nothing more really. Here at Jedi Living we like to use the Five Line 2003 version of the Jedi Code. No worries, you'll find out what that means soon enough. Lucky you - I bury my students with lessons Muwahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :evil:
The Jedi Code.
There is no emotion; there is peace.
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no passion; there is serenity.
There is no chaos; there is harmony.
There is no death; there is the Force.

Your mantra. Your Code. Your Guide. For the next week you shall reflect on it. Seek to put it into action (however you believe is best to do that). With the other lessons you should get your fill of the Code by the end. So I'll not bore you with anymore of my needless ramblings on the Code. You have Three Assignments.
:: The Philosophy Assignment One ::
1.) I would like you to practice a breathing meditation.
Breathe In and say (aloud or inner voice) There is no emotion. Hold for a (comfortable) moment. Breathe Out and say There is Peace. Hold.
Breathe In, There is no ignorance. Hold. Breathe Out, There is knowledge. Hold.
Breathe In, There is no passion. Hold. Breathe Out, There is serenity. Hold.
Breathe In, There is no chaos. Hold. Breathe Out, There is harmony. Hold.
Breathe In, There is no death. Hold. Breathe Out, There is the Force. Hold.
Repeat as many times as you like. Run through this at least one time per day, though I prefer you seek five repetitions per day. And Yes, this can count for your Meditation Practice/Habit/Time as outlined in the Lifestyle Lesson.

2.) At the End of the Two Weeks. Using the Jedi Code as inspiration - write your own version of the Code. An old homework assignment of the Jedi Community which many bright students assure me is a good exercise. So onto it. Your Jedi Code.

3.) This should be easy given the lessons. I want you to memorize the Jedi Code. This I find to be important. Please do not move forward until you have completed this. Know the Jedi Code by heart.

Re: The Philosophy: (2016)

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:05 am
by admin
-= The Philosophy: Lecture Two =-
In 2004 I was looking for a way to bridge the Jedi Community. I wanted to rekindled the original fire from the 1999/2000 era and at the same time establish more solid foundations in standards and training. In this I kept looking at the failing systems and the common factors involved. What I found was that no matter the website the Jedi Code was there. Not only a core teaching tool, but a core part of any testing and requirement to be a Jedi Knight. Foolishly I allowed correlation to trick me into thinking causation. It seemed to make sense to me though. If the Jedi Code is our core, our foundation and our foundation is very much lacking due to the many "Knights" and "Masters" very much acting the contrary - then that must be the problem.

This line of thought led me to advocating against the Jedi Code and seeking to have it removed from all teachings. Outside of maybe a blurb in history notes or something. I wasn't like some people who hypocritically dismiss the Jedi Code as fiction while pointing to the movies as a core part of the training. I simply felt it was at the heart of our lack of progress and accountability as a Community. So I sought to fix it. And by 2005 I had my answer - the Circle of the Jedi.

I shared this with my friend and roommate at the time who had been a member of the online Jedi Community. His name was Mindas Ar'ran. Together we worked on some of the wording and discussed the validity it of the Circle. By August 2005 I felt I had a good stable version and shared the Circle of the Jedi to several different Jedi groups. It looked like this:
The Jedi walks the circle; S/he lives the Five Practices which enforce the Five Tenets, which nurture the Five Traits, which bring the Five Truths, which counteract the Five Misconceptions.
The Five Practices; Meditation, Martial Application, Mediation, Awareness, and Self-Discipline.
The Five Tenets; Peace, Knowledge, Serenity, Harmony, the Force.
The Five Traits; Strength, Objectiveness, Calmness, Wisdom, Humility.
The Five Truths; Commitment, Self-Control, Learning, Sacrifice, and Guidance.
The Five Misconceptions; Segregation, Religion, Complexity, Star Wars, Righteousness.

The feedback was mostly positive. However some people expressed some concern and issues with the wording. Some of that had to do with the culture at the time. In 2005 there was a lot of debate over Physical Fitness and exactly how that played out in the Jedi Path. With many outspoken Jedi taking a very rigid stance that if you couldn't train like Luke in Dagobah, then you weren't a Jedi. And of course this bothered many Jedi as a clear sign of ableism and not something that should be endorsed. This state of the community led to an immediate reaction to the Trait - Strength. It automatically brought those debates and thoughts to the forefront for most Jedi and they felt it was an incorrect representation of the Path. My intention was to denote how Jedi were pillars of Strength in all areas of well-being. Strong as in determination and endurance, not how much one could bench press. In any event I discussed the feedback with the various sites further and their various concerns and went back to the drawing board.

After a rewrite (or three) I used the Circle of the Jedi as my guide for training. I again shared it with those in my inner circle and got positive feedback. So by 2006 I was sharing what I now called the Jedi Circle. Which I would put into a final form in 2007 with the help of a Jedi named Jasta Gar'su. This version lasted until 2014 when I started to make changes. Which we see the results of int he 2017 version of the Jedi Circle. Though you can still find this 2007 version being used. This 2007 version is as follows:
The Jedi walks the circle; They live the Five Practices which enforce the Five Tenets, which nurture the Five Traits, which bring the Five Truths, which counteract the Five Misconceptions.
The Five Practices; Meditation, Awareness, Diplomacy, Physical Fitness, and Self-Discipline.
The Five Tenets; Peace, Knowledge, Serenity, Harmony, the Force.
The Five Traits; Patience, Objectivity, Reliability, Humility, Wisdom.
The Five Truths; Self-Honesty, Learning, Guidance, Sacrifice, Commitment.
The Five Misconceptions; Star Wars, Religion, Compassion, Infallibility, Segregation.

::The Five Practices::
Meditation: A Jedi practices meditation to quiet the mind, center the body, and connect the spirit. Meditation helps a Jedi cultivate calm, patience, and understanding.

Diplomacy: A Jedi seeks to resolve conflict before it happens, to mediate misunderstandings, in this a Jedi practices diplomacy. Seeking to use intelligence, maturity, and words to end hostilities and pass on understanding.

Awareness: A Jedi practices awareness for the self and the world around them. We need to be aware of our own motives, limits, and desires. As well as those around us. Also if we are oblivious to the world around us, we may miss out on helping someone who truly needs it.

Physical Fitness: A Jedi practices physical-fitness for physical (and mental) well being. Improved health, endurance to help out by physical means, and an in-depth understanding of the personal strengths and limits.

Self-Discipline: For a Jedi self-discipline is the cornerstone upon which the entire path is built. The ability to see things through, to complete our practices and honor our promises.

::The Five Tenets::
Peace: Peace is Acceptance. A Jedi must accept that there are things they have control over and things they do not. Peace comes from accepting our limitations, the limitations of others, and accepting to grow beyond them. Peace comes from accepting our emotions and not allowing them to rule our lives or decisions. Acceptance is Peace.

Knowledge: For a Jedi knowledge begins with the self, and works outward. We seek knowledge that we may better serve others. Though it may not relate to our Path, all knowledge is worth having. It is how we overcome the ignorance of our world.

Serenity: Serenity, finding inner calm and peace, especially when most needed. Serenity is about the mind remaining objective in the most extreme cases. Jedi cultivate serenity so that it may accompany them into the most hectic life.

Harmony: Moderation in all things. Excessive emotions, whether "positive" or "negative," create an imbalance within the self. We as Jedi seek Harmony in all things. Balance is key to a Jedi's life, balance between mind, body, and spirit. Balance between technology and nature. Harmony between ourselves, the Force, and the World we live in.

The Force: A suitable substitute for understanding is Life. The Jedi dedicate themselves to the Force, seeking to explore, experience and understand it. Through the Force we connect to the rest of the world and act accordingly as one connected entity.

::The Five Traits::
Patience: A Jedi must have patience. Not only in their training, but also in the world around them. With a little patience, many solutions will present themselves. "It is not necessary to always strike first, to provide the first solution, or to reach a goal before anyone else. In fact, it is sometimes vital to strike the last blow, to give the final answer, or to arrive after everyone else." - PotJ

Objectivity: A Jedi is a neutral party, looking at a situation from all sides. Regardless of one's position, a Jedi is unbiased. It is this objectivity that allows for clarity and understanding.

Reliability: A Jedi is one others may turn to in a time of need. They are there for others, whether emotionally, physically, or spiritually. They offer their guidance as best they can and provide a sturdy pillar to lean on when needed.

Humility: A Jedi is not above anyone else. A Jedi must remember that they are not better than the people they serve. We may train in self-betterment, and that may makes us different then some, but not above or better anyone else.

Wisdom: While Jedi value and take care of knowledge, they understand that it takes wisdom to use knowledge properly. While Jedi are seen as wise, they merely work from knowledge, experience, and the Force.

::The Five Truths::
Self-Honesty: Jedi know that control begins with the self. Through self-honesty they gain self-awareness, which gives self-knowledge, which helps in self-discipline. One cannot truly progress if they are not fully honest with themselves first.

Learning: Through continual learning, a willingness to always be a student, do we conquer ignorance. A Jedi recognizes that while they may master a certain field of study there is always more to learn in the world.

Guidance: Jedi spend years studying, reflecting, experiencing, both as individual people and as Jedi. In this they are able to offer guidance, whether acting as a signpost to the Jedi Way or giving advice to a friend. Jedi offer their guidance when requested.

Sacrifice: As Jedi we often have to make sacrifices at times. Giving of the self to help others. Using our personal time and resources to be there for others and continue our training. We give up certain freedoms to be Jedi. Such as the freedom to just lash out when angry, the freedom to deny someone help purely out of spite, and so forth.

Commitment: One can have self-discipline, but if they are not committed to the path they walk, then they will wander off it. In order to succeed at anything you have to be able and willing to see it through to the end.

::The Five Misconceptions::
Star Wars: Though the Jedi originate from the Star Wars mythos, it is not our sum. And one does not have to be a Star Wars geek or a Sci-Fi fanatic to become a Jedi. While Star Wars is our basis, it is not our reality. We, who live and walk the Path, define Jedi.

Religion: The Jedi Path is one open to all religious beliefs. Whether one follows Atheism, Christianity, Jediism, Taoism, or Zionism, regardless of belief if one follows and lives by the Jedi Path they are a Jedi. Overall the Jedi Path is a Way of life, a philosophy on how one lives. One does not have to follow or make Jedi their religion.

Segregation: People seek to create division, Jediism, Jedi Realism, Jedi Pragmatism, Grey Jedi, Red Jedi, et cetera. However either one follows the Jedi Path and they are simply a Jedi. Or they do not follow the Path in which case they are not a Jedi. One Name, one Path, many roads. No need to separate or segregate, we all follow the Jedi Way.

Compassion: A Jedi must understand a situation and react properly to it. Adhering to the "There is no emotion; there is peace" ideals presented within the Jedi Code, we must be mindful of compassion. Like all emotions we feel it, but that does not mean it should influence our decisions. We should do the right thing, because it is the right thing, not because we an emotion compels us to. Or in shorter terms: Doing the Nice Thing and Doing the Right Thing are Not always the Same Thing.

Infallible: Jedi, no matter how powerful or clever, or how many years they have been training, are not infallible. There is nothing righteous or special about a Jedi, merely a person following and living a Path they deemed worthy. And as Jedi we will fall and fail at times, but it is in picking ourselves up and continuing again that matters the most. Jedi understand Failure is not the end.
- Written by Opie Macleod (2004-2013 - Last update: December 12th 2011).

The 2017 version which is the evolved version of the 2014 Circle replaced the Five Misconceptions with the Five Goals of the Jedi. There are a few other changes, which we will look at. It is a bit shorter in the explanation department as well. Here is the current form of the Jedi Circle:
Five Practices: Diplomacy - Physical Fitness - Self-Discipline - Awareness - Meditation
Five Tenets: Peace - Knowledge - Serenity - Harmony - The Force
Five Traits: Equity - Accountability - Patience - Decorum - Empathy
Five Values: Gratitude - Self-Honesty - Erudition - Guidance - Commitment
Five Goals: Service - Defense - Proficiency - Create - Discover

The Five Practices:
Diplomacy - Resolving conflict before it begins.
Physical Fitness - Stay Active and Healthy.
Self-Discipline - You are your own Jedi Master.
Awareness - Be diligent and mindful.
Meditation - Cultivate Calm.
The Five Tenets:
Peace - Acceptance is Peace. Peace is Acceptance.
Knowledge - Combat ignorance, seek knowledge.
Serenity - Enjoy the journey.
Harmony - A single note cannot harmonize with itself.
The Force - Know your sacred, find your bliss.
The Five Traits:
Equity - Treat all fairly.
Accountability - Hold yourself responsible for your words and deeds.
Patience - The active process of following through step by step.
Decorum - Adhere to proper action.
Empathy - Seek understanding.
The Five Values:
Gratitude - Appreciate the things you do have.
Self-Honesty - Self-knowledge begins with being honest with ourselves.
Erudition - As in you had you learn what this word means.
Guidance - Share your experience and knowledge with others.
Commitment - Persevering to the end, crossing the finish line regardless of time or obstacles.
The Five Goals:
Service - Support, Aid, help others to help themselves.
Defense - Be a voice for the voice less. Defend those in need.
Proficiency - Be capable of fulfilling the duties of a Jedi.
Create - Build something to leave behind.
Discover - Life, the Universe, the Force, Your Purpose, Your Bliss.

Now given that last week was Jedi Code week, I am sure you can realize that I have put my war on the Jedi Code behind me. It was the wrong place to put the blame. Which was proven by the wonderful Jedi who found it of value and used it. The failure was often in the teaching. In the lack of application, study, and time given to it. And of course in our rush to be the future already, we didn't build proper foundations. Too busy trying to be the next big thing, to just make sure we were nurturing productive growth in the here and now. Thus why I didn't get rid of the core ideals of the Jedi Code, they are their in the tenets. But you know what is great about the Jedi Way? Doesn't have to be one or the other. Explore both. Use Both. Whatever works. The Circle and Code are equally valid and have proven worthwhile tools for Jedi to have.

We won't be digging into the Jedi Circle much this week. I want you to read it, study it, and apply it, to the best of your ability. Discuss it, question it, explore it. The reason we aren't digging to deep here is because all of Tier Three is the Jedi Circle. Six months of Jedi training that will have you cursing my name and the day I came up with this concept. So for now we'll keep to a surface level reading and understanding.
:: The Philosophy Assignment Two ::
Take the time to look this over. And please do use the time to discuss, question, and explore it.
Which version of the Circle do you like better? Why?
Do you feel this supplements the Jedi Code? Supersedes it? Flows with it?
What are your general thoughts on the Jedi Circle? Do you feel it describes the Jedi Way well (or at least what you were expecting the Jedi Path to be like)?

Re: The Philosophy: (2016)

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:05 am
by admin
-= The Philosophy: Lecture Three =-
The Jedi Method. Fits in-line with our Lifestyle lesson. Almost like someone planned it that way. Spooky. The Jedi Method was developed here at Jedi Living (back when we were calling ourselves Jedi Academy Online to be more accurate). It is meant to help clarify the stance on Jedi Ethics. A too often overlooked subject within our community. So the main question is this - How does a Jedi decide what the Jedi thing to do is? How does a Jedi determine that their actions are "right" or "proper"? The Dark Siders at the Force Academy use to love to pull this card on the Light Jedi Forums because it would result in Jedi arguing with each other on the morals and ethics of Good and Evil for days on end. Just as the overall Philosophical community has been doing for centuries. So how can we avoid that fate? How do we make sure we are not puppets used for entertainment?

Enter the Jedi Method. Or the Jedi Formula. I never really settled on a name. Anyhow it is a rather simple way to breakdown Jedi Ethics and Decision-Making. Jedi Intention + Jedi Action = Jedi Outcome. Boom! Done deal. A rather simple formula that I came up with while working on some silly physics debate which involved the formula for Power to Weight ratio (if I remember correctly). Had an equation variation for it and everything. Anyhow.
How do you know what you did was the proper thing for a Jedi? I followed the Jedi Method.

Now that works for me, because I know what the hell I am talking about. I am sure you have some questions. So lets break this down. We will do this in Jedi terms - how it relates to you and how you apply it. As well as ethical terms. In the world of ethics and philosophy how do we classify? If your professor asked you what ethical thought Jedi fall into - you'll be able to answer them after this lesson. Or at least, that is the hope.

First - Jedi Intention. Jedi Intention is pretty simple. Before I even ramble on that. It is simple - What is your intention? Generally speaking Jedi want to help people. Jedi want to be a in a position to help people. Jedi don't mind the idea of being the hero and saving the day. I mean these are generalizations. But we look at the general intentions of most Jedi and it is to do good and have an positive impact. Preserve Knowledge. Right wrongs. Save Lives. Retire to the galaxy's largest library. That sort of thing. Often the Five Goals of the Jedi can be seen as a product of Jedi Intention.

In Ethical Terms this would be most closely be identified with Utilitarianism. Most often described and summarized in its most basic form as - Doing the Greatest Good for the Greatest Number (stated by Jeremy Bentham and later by John Stuart Mill). So if a Jedi acts on their intentions to do the greatest good for the greatest number they would fall very neatly into this moral concept.

A problem exists here however. Utilitarianism is a branch of Consequentialism. Meaning that the consequences / outcome is the only thing that matters. Another way of looking at this is the saying - "the ends justify the means." You aren't going to find many Jedi who agree. Kidding. You won't find any Jedi who agree. How you do something is just as valid as your intention and outcome. You don't just get to punch a person in the face because they were being rude. So this is where we depart from Utilitarian thought. Because part two of our equation must be factored in.

Second - Jedi Action. Easy-peasy. Remember that whole Code and Circle stuff you have been learning and reading and rereading over? Jedi Action. Patience, Objectivity, Knowledge, Self-Honesty. It is all laid out for you in a nice neat package. w00t!! You know those moments where you feel like you failed as a Jedi? You are often using some measuring stick of Jedi Action. "I allowed my emotions to determine my actions rather than my Jedi mind." There is some nuance here. While you can't punch someone for being rude, you can punch them if you are "defending someone in need" (one of the Five Goals of the Jedi and a Jedi Rule of Behavior). The how will be questioned - was it emotional knee-jerk reaction? Or was it is a clear understanding of the situation realizing physical means was absolutely necessary to stop escalation of the situation? Again we see where the Jedi Circle helps sort of put this all into a box for us to work through (alone with the precepts and the rest of Jedi Philosophy we'll be learning in this course).

Ethically speaking this places Jedi nicely in the Deontological Ethics department. A basic ethical stance which determines action based upon "rules." It is a concept of duty and sticking to established rules of proper conduct. An example being, stopping at a red light is ethically proper because you are adhering to the rule. I mean that is a pretty poor example, but one that shows rules are the defacto judgement here. So for Jedi we would say - adhering to the Jedi Rules of Behavior makes our Actions ethically Proper. Same with the Jedi Circle. Did you use Diplomacy? Yes. Adherence to the Circle - You are in the Ethical Right good Jedi.

But that doesn't seem quiet right though does it? I mean, as Jedi we do care about what our Actions did. While it is fine that we acted as a Jedi and with Jedi Intention - if we only ended up causing harm and suffering then what is the point? While certainly the ends do not justify the means, the ends still matter. If all our good intentions and adherence to rules only results in hurtful outcomes what the heck are we doing living that way then? So we venture to the third point in our equation.

Third - Jedi Outcome. The Jedi Formula here makes it seem that if we follow our Jedi Intentions with Jedi Actions we automatically reach a Jedi Outcome. And I feel that may be pretty accurate, at least once we have a core and basic understanding of the Jedi foundations. However we cannot just leave it at that. We still wish to do our best with the Outcome and should it be a tough outcome (not all Jedi Outcomes are rainbows, puppies and balloons - sometimes we have to make the tough decisions which will take a lot of time for a positive outcome to happen. And the meantime will be a struggle) be able to ease that consequence.

Ethically speaking I find Jedi to fall basically inline with Ethics of Care. An importance placed on response. One how we approach the overall situation and how we handle the fallout of any specific situation. There is a lot of focus on concepts like empathy. This line of ethics is often given four principles - Attentiveness, Responsibility, Competence, and Responsiveness. Which I think all Jedi can get behind and see as a way to best help the outcome of any situation. The idea being not to consider - "What is Right" but rather "How do I respond"? Something which seems to fit with how the Jedi Method encourages Jedi to go about the question of - How do I approach this specific situation as a Jedi?

Unlike our other Ethical Labels there really isn't counterpoint to why this doesn't fit. Except that it is a piece of a whole. Ethics of Care is a wonderful ethical system which looks at the individual situation and the individuals involved as the unique people they are. But as Jedi we do have a box which does require us to ensure we are working within it. So we have to consider the totality of the Jedi Method.

Jedi Intention + Jedi Action = Jedi Outcome. No Jedi is free from the consequences of their actions. Their intentions do not absolve them of any injury. However, we are people simply seeking to do the best we can with what we have in any given moment and hope we have a positive and beneficial impact. You can pick which ever ethically school of thought that works for you. Personally I like Rule Utilitarianism, seems to fit each level of our little formula here. Though I leave that for you to explore and determine for yourself.

The main thing is that when you find yourself faced with a tough situation and no other Jedi around - you may wonder what you are suppose to do as a Jedi. What Would a Jedi Do in this situation? You are just starting out so this may be a daily thing. And in that question simply seek to apply the Jedi Method. Intention, Action, Outcome.
:: The Philosophy Assignment Three ::
Do you prefer the name Jedi Method or Jedi Formula?
What are your thoughts on the Jedi Method?
Does Deontological Ethics fall under Virtue Ethics or Normative Ethics?
Does Ethics of Care fall under Virtue Ethics or Normative Ethics?
Do you feel the Ethical Values as described in the lecture match your own Ethical and Moral Values? Why or Why Not?

Scenario Question Time (yes details are missing. Hypothetical Scenarios are annoying that way. Answer them to the best of your ability).
1.) You are walking into your local store. You notice two kids outside the main door. They look rather worn and dirty. One seems to be a teenager and the other maybe around 10 or so. As you approach the older one asks you for something to eat. You are on a tight budget and only came with enough money to pick up your weekly groceries.
What do you do? How does this fit with Jedi Intent? How does this fit with Jedi Action? Is the Outcome of Intent and Actions a Jedi Outcome?

2.) Congratulations! You won a free Cruise to Hawaii. Oh No! In the middle of the Cruise trouble happens. Now you find yourself on a lifeboat from a cruise ship in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Due to various circumstances, there is only you, a pregnant woman, and an elderly man in the boat. Your life boat was damaged and is slowly taking on water. You can see land, but judging distance and water flow, the boat won't make it. However if one person was removed from the boat, the leak would slow enough to make it to safety. Though there is a possibility that whoever is removed will die. If no one is removed everyone dies (dun dun dunnn).
Who do you remove from Lifeboat? Why? How does this fit with Jedi Intent? How does this fit with Jedi Action? Is the Outcome of Intent and Actions a Jedi Outcome?

Re: The Philosophy: (2016)

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:06 am
by admin
-= The Philosophy: Lecture Four =-
On Saturday Feb 20, 2010 9:09 pm a discussion began at the Force Academy Light Council. Lets Define the Light Jedi. By Tuesday Mar 02, 2010 4:24 am the Jedi Precepts had been voted upon, agreed to, and instituted. The Jedi Precepts were written by Opie Macleod and developed with the Light Jedi Council (Alethea, Erik, Han Solo, Ellen 'Loremater', Paladin Draconis, and Kate Soulstar) at the Force Academy, including Students at the time Zigga (aka - Ricardo) and Seti (aka - Kukai).

The Jedi Precepts are a list of guidelines that define what it means to be a Jedi. People often rebuke the Jedi for having such long and detailed definitions. However the Jedi Path is not simply defined as helping people. It is a lifestyle, one which has restrictions and boundaries. As such our guidelines tend to be longer than a simple single sentence can cover. Listed below this are the Jedi Precepts, a guideline to living as a Jedi in today's society.

What Jedi Do
1.) Help Others; Provides Support, Renders Aid - This comes in a variety of forms, from simply being a shoulder to cry to volunteering in disaster relief programs (Red Cross, United Way, Salvation Army, etc.).
2.) Defend the Weak - Defending those that cannot defend themselves. This could be defending an individual from online harassment. This could mean stepping up to have a harmful element removed - such as having a "Forum Troll" banned. It could be calling 911 on individuals and informing that you have done so. If one is a Peace Officer than they do this in many ways as well.
3.) Meditate - For understanding, experience, and access to the Force. To promote a healthy mind and body. To clear and calm the mind and spirit.
4.) Use Diplomacy - From conflict resolution, mediation, compromise, making deals, a Jedi seeks to use their minds and words before resorting to any other more "forceful" tactics.
5.) Teach and Guide Others - This is to say they always seek to encourage individuals to find their own path in life, at the same time as encouraging and supporting paths that are more harmonious and helpful with the world and the people around them - seeking to guide them to peaceful and nurturing solutions.

What Jedi Are
1.) Patient - With themselves, with others, with the world. In learning, in failings, in life.
2.) Respectful/Courteous - Common courtesy and respect to all, general politeness.
3.) Disciplined - Keep to their studies, training, and path, even when we really do not want to.
4.) Calm - This is to express our inner calm and bring that to an outward expression as well. We are not robot or emotionless, simply calm individuals who are at peace.
5.) Strong - This is to say Jedi are pillars of strength more emotionally and spiritually than physically. Jedi are the lighthouse in the storm, sometimes that is shown physically, but mostly that is a strength of heart and understanding.
6.) Reliable - One can depend on the Jedi, especially to be a Jedi.
7.) Objective - They withhold bias, seeking all sides and angles of a situation).
8.) Observant - Awareness, observation, a Jedi seeks to understand and be aware of their surroundings, including people and their motives.
9.) Dedicated - To living the path daily and upholding its values.

What Jedi Seek/Encourage
1.) Peace - Both inner peace and outward peace, resolving conflict.
2.) Knowledge - We are always students, learning new things, and growing daily, a Jedi seek to preserve knowledge and learn from it.
3.) Serenity - Calmness, inward and outward, serenity is sought and lived by Jedi daily.
4.) Harmony - To be one with the world and their place within it. To find balance in mind, body, spirit. Including diet, nature, and technology.
5.) The Force - To explore, experience, grow, and define the ineffable source which we call the Force.
6.) Guidance - To offer our advice, knowledge, to help people who looking for a signpost. Jedi act as guides, not the destination, not the way, but guides to help them find the way.
7.) Honesty - Jedi seek self-honesty above all and encourage honesty within others. Jedi honor truth and respect honesty, even harsh truth.

What Jedi Honor
1.) Personal Pursuits - Such as enlightenment, Reiki, Chess, career as a Doctor, Martial Arts Instructor, Zen Teacher, etc. These are personal pursuits not directly related to the Jedi Path as a whole and are encouraged, but not required.
2.) Their Students - A Jedi respects the young (in age and/or in knowledge/mentality) for they can impart wisdom as well. A Jedi honors the position of guiding others and treats their students with the honor and respect they deserve (especially for following this path).
3.) Their Teachers/Elders - Without our seniors (in age or knowledge) we could not get to the level we have or want to. Jedi respect the position of mentor as it is not an easy one and show that respect accordingly.
4.) Society's Laws - We cannot believe ourselves above the laws of our individual countries and internationally. A Jedi seeks to honor and encourage the laws.
5.) The Organization(s) - We would not have come as far as we have without our virtual home and organization. Thus as Jedi we should honor and encourage the place that encourages and honors our path and growth on that path.
6.) The Path - If we do not hold ourselves to the ideals of our path, no one will. If we do not uphold the values we seek to follow than the path is worthless. We honor our path by living our path.
7.) Individuality and Personal Paths - They respect the decisions of others and the views they chose to live by. Whether that is the Christian lifestyle, the Wiccan, something mixed, nothing at all, all lifestyle choices are honored as long as they do not directly endanger the greater good (such as following the path of the Zodiac Killer, as an extreme example).

What Jedi Are Not and Do Not Do
1.) Are not Star Wars Fanatics - Nor is one required to become a Star Wars Geek in order to be a Jedi.
2.) Are Not Arrogant or Over-Confident - We are not infallible, we do make mistakes. We must be prepared for failures and setbacks and not discount such possibilities.
3.) Are Not Invasive - We respect privacy and do not indulge in personal curiosity. A Jedi respects the privacy of others.
4.) Are Not Defeatists - The only true failure is failing to get back up after one falls. We do not allow failure, falls, and mistakes to control or define us. And we do not overly plan for failure or mistakes, instead seeking a more positive and objective approach.
5.) Are Not Reckless - Haste makes waste. Jedi do not rashly act/react, they observe, are patient, and action when action is necessary/needed.
6.) Are Not Stubborn- - We must be able to see and admit our own short-comings and faults. In this a Jedi must always be open to the possibility of being right or wrong or neither.
7.) Do Not Wear Jedi Costumes - Outside of personal fun and recognized holidays such as Halloween.
8.) Do Not Believe Yoda is Real - Or any Fictional Character from Star Wars for that matter.
9.) Do Not Worship George Lucas.
10.) Do Not Allow Emotions, Passions, and/or Bias to interfere with their judgment and duties.
11.) Do Not Bully Others.
12.) Do Not Infringe on the Free Will of Others - unless it will harm the greater good (example: A Jedi will not force their opinion upon someone for their own good, this is the definition of a tyrant. However if that person is planning on (or is) hurting several people, than it is a Jedi's duty to protect those other people even though it infringes on the one person's free will/choice. - 'the greater good.' AKA = "The needs of the many out weight the needs of the few.")

Read it, learn it, keep it. There are 40 points here so I do not expect you to memorize it. I mean I don't really have it memorized. Some of them, but that is because of the Jedi Rules of Behavior more than anything. Anyhow. Again here I am going to save the lecturing and let the material speak for itself. Plenty of here to dig into. So take your time with it. Compare it to your life and ideas of the Jedi. Take the week to seek to apply this to your life. Explore, Experience, Define. That is the motto.
:: The Philosophy Assignment Four ::
Do you agree or disagree with the Jedi Precepts?
Did you have a favorite or two? Was there a specific one that you had an issue with?
What are your general thoughts and observations on the Jedi Precepts?
Does this pass our APBP Test?
While developed within a group, who wrote the Jedi Precepts?

Re: The Philosophy: (2016)

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:06 am
by admin
-= The Philosophy: Lecture Five =-
We will now be looking at another Jedi created piece of writing. So far we have looked at two pieces written and created by Opie Macleod. As well as piece formulated and put together by Opie (this third-person stuff is weird :shrug: - anyhow). This next one comes from Jedi Kidohdin (real names redacted for online safety purposes). This writing is called the 33 Teachings of the Jedi. And while shorter than the forty points covered in the last lesson, it is much longer text.

The 33 Teachings (for short) did not always start out as such. Originally it started out as 16 in 2002 (July) when The Jedi Fellowship was created. It then grew to 18 sometime around 2004. The 18 teachings were the one that were used the most at Jedi Kidohdin's site Jedi Sanctuary (Formerly Jedi Fellowship). Eventually growing to the 33 Teachings of the Jedi by 2008. Which can still be seen on various Jediism websites and articles such as the section on Jediism.

The Teachings, much like the Jedi Circle, was born out of a dissatisfaction of what was being presented at the time. In 2002 Jedi Kidohdin was a member of (which we'll cover in our history class). had ignored the previous existing Jedi Community and started from scratch. Much like the earlier sites of the Community it borrowed heavily from preexisting ideals. Mainly the Code of Chivalry they found online and adopted (rewrote) for their Jedi Purposes. Kidohdin wanted more lessons drawing upon the inspiration (aka Star Wars). The leadership shut him down and as began to fall to politics (as well as selling merchandise with Star Wars logos) Kidohdin went off with Jedi Seven to create what would become Jedi Sanctuary. Needing a core to teach from Kidohden went back through the movies and books he had and began taking notes using it as a basis for Jedi Teachings. Eventually he stopped at 33 and here we are - now the Teachings we will see are unaltered (unlike other places that use them) as well as updated by Jedi Kidohden Feb. 2016. So these are his words without any Jedi Living Meddling.

The 33 Jedi Teachings
1. Jedi believe in a positive, mysterious, invisible, universal energy called "the Force", also known as the 'living Force', the 'good side', or the 'light side'. The Force is a living spiritual presence that surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds all the matter in the universe together. The Force is the soul of all living things, you might say, and the glue that holds everything together. Every Jedi interprets the Force in a slightly different way; some as a Tao or Chi type energy, and some as a Higher Power type energy that controls the Universe with a definite will, plan, and direction. In general, the Force is considered to be a good and benevolent energy. Even the Jedi find it impossible to define exactly what the Force is, but there is no doubt about Its existence. Jedi can directly experience the Force (through meditation) and therefore they know it exists. Jedi believe that Force allows people to have free will and choice, but that destiny also plays a part in their lives. Jedi talk about the ways of Force, and the will of the Force, but the Force and all its workings are still declared to be a mystery. Strange and hard to understand are the ways of the Force! Jedi believe that the Force is with them throughout their lives and that it helps them both now, and beyond this life. The Force will always be with us.

2. Jedi believe that the dark side exists, but refuse to dwell on it, or follow it, or use it in any way. The dark side is a negative energy or dark energy that only leads you to more and more negativity. The dark side is considered to be evil by the Jedi, the opposite of good, and is never to be followed or used because "consume you it will". According to Yoda, those who follow the dark side are considered to be evil and agents of evil. Negative emotions like fear, anger, hate, and aggression are all paths that lead to the dark side. In summary, the dark side is real; but we should always stay away from it.

3. Jedi choose to serve the Living Force, and are eternal servants of the Force. They choose to be subordinate to the way of the Force, and are serious about their service to the Force. Jedi are not thrill seekers or adventure seekers. They are serious about following the Jedi teachings in their own lives, in their own way, because the Jedi teachings lead to personal growth, positive thinking, and help Jedi to be conscious of their eternal connection to the Living Force, which is found within through meditation.

4. Jedi, in general, are individuals who are strongly connected to the Force. The Force is with them and helps them. However, the Jedi believe that the Force is extra-strong in certain Jedi, much more so than in others. Sometimes this is passed down through the family line, like in the Skywalker family, for example. Yoda was also extra-strong with the Force, and so was Obi-Wan. Someone who is extra-strong with the Force will succeed against all the odds, and this stands out; things will go unusually right for them. They will succeed where normal people will fail. Extra-strong Force individuals seem invincible; they are the natural heroes of the world.

5. Jedi live in the here and now, and don't have stress about the future or the past. Jedi live in the present moment. This isn't as easy as it might seem, because the mind is very restless and always rushes to the future or past, and doesn't seem to be content with living in the present moment. Contact with the Living Force always occurs in the present moment. The mind is our tool, and we need to stop the incessant thinking and mental chatter that comes from the mind in order to be conscious of the present moment, and to live in the present moment. We need to control the mind, our tool, and not let the mind control us. Mindfulness meditation is helpful to live in the present moment, and is possible with effort and practice.

6. Jedi are Force sensitive individuals, and are experts at feeling energy through the sixth sense or extrasensory perception. Jedi can feel the Force, and realize that the Force is within them. They can feel the Force flowing through them, and around them, and outside of them and in other living creatures too. Our five physical senses, and our scattered minds, can block us from feeling the Force, but It' always there. Jedi are equally sensitive to dark side energy or negative energy, and need to know how to avoid it and how to protect themselves from it.

7. Jedi believe in trusting their intuition and feelings. Webster defines intuition as 'a natural ability or power that makes it possible to know something without any proof or evidence.' Jedi are intuitive and are in touch with their feelings and with the core of their being. Jedi have the ability to access this "inner voice of knowledge" that seems to come from their Tan Tien, Hara, heart center, or belly center. Intuition is also known as "gut feelings", 'hunches' or 'following your instincts'.

8. Meditation is clearly a part of the Jedi lifestyle. A Jedi needs to consciously experience the Force, and meditation and contemplation are time tested methods to accomplish this. Jedi believe that a calm mind can only be achieved through meditation, and a calm and motionless mind is needed to contact the Force. Jedi need to meditate often in order to calm and clear their overactive and restless minds. Our minds, like sponges, get contaminated from the world, and need to be cleansed daily. We even absorb things from those who are around us, watching TV, from our environments, co-workers, the food we eat, etc, so it's important to keep a calm, focused, clear mind, and to meditate daily.

9. Jedi are mindful of their thoughts and feelings and focus on the positive. A positive mental attitude is healthy for both the mind and body; this has been documented by modern science. Jedi are always mindful and watch their thoughts. Not every thought that suddenly 'pops' into our head is ours, since thoughts can originate from many sources and not just from our own physical brain. We have to be able to discern the thoughts and remove the bad ones or negative and fear-based ones. Even the food we eat, and things we drink can influence our thoughts. Physical locations can also influence our thoughts, like the dark side cave that Luke went into. So, we must always be mindful of our thoughts and feelings, and let the negative thoughts pass away from us, sort of like watching trash float down the river. We are not our thoughts, but we need to let go of the negative thoughts.

10. Jedi cultivate patience in their lives. Yoda tested Luke to see if he had patience, which he didn't have at the beginning of his training. However, Luke learned to have patience later on in life. Patience has to be consciously developed over time. All of the Jedi teachers stressed the importance of patience. I believe that we can all work on developing our patience too. Remember, Jedi choose to 'act' with patience, and not to 'react' with anger or rage.

11. Jedi try to protect and defend the helpless if possible. Jedi are also aware that being prepared and trained gives them an extra advantage, if they do have to protect themselves and others. The Force wants us to defend and protect ourselves. A Jedi belongs to the Force; if someone attacks a Jedi, then he/she defends himself/herself on behalf of the Force. Most Jedi know at least some form of martial arts or self defense. Also, Jedi don't leave others behind; Jedi go back and try to help those who are facing dangerous situations.

12. Jedi avoid acting on the 4 vices that lead to the dark side; fear, anger, aggression, and hate. We can't control which emotions we will feel, but we can pick and choose our reactions to those emotions. We always have a choice. For example, a Jedi might feel angry at a person, but can choose to act with patience instead of anger. If someone cuts us off on the highway, we don't have to get revenge by driving with anger and road rage; we have a choice. Be mindful of these negative emotion warning signs by paying attention to your feelings. If a Jedi "feels" one or more of these negative emotions (fear, anger, aggression, or hate) building up inside, then it's a clear sign that he/she is probably moving towards the dark side and negativity; balance needs to be restored as soon as possible. If this happens, then it's time for some meditation to work it out. One way to start working on this is to first acknowledge that you have a dark side emotion in you, like fear or anger, and don't suppress the fact that you feel this negative emotion; instead, confess it. Like Yoda said, "Named must your fear be before banish it you can." After you name it, or confess it, then let go of the dark side emotion, and visualize it leaving your body. I like to use this visualization: close your eyes and see a bright white light from above moving into your head and down through your body. As the white light moves down your body, it pushes out all the negative energy; you watch the negative energy leave your body from the bottom of your feet, and you see it being pushed into the earth, where it is properly grounded, not to return again. Next, try to focus on and feel a positive emotion to replace the negative emotion. For example, compassion instead of hatred, patience instead of anger, humility instead of arrogance, trust and surrender to the will of Force instead of fear, etc. Jedi are always on the lookout for dark side emotions, and are determined not to allow negativity to take root in their hearts, minds and lives.

13. Jedi keep themselves physically fit on behalf of the Living Force; it is the will of the Force for a Jedi to stay fit. Jedi can't accomplish their mission in life unless they are mentally, spiritually, and physically fit. Fitness is an integral part of Jediism, but the level of fitness depends on the individual. Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, the Martial Arts, lightsaber fencing, jogging, swimming, biking, etc., are all excellent ways to stay fit. Fitness affects your mental health in a positive way, and improves your over-all well being. There are so many positive benefits to staying fit that I can't list them all here. However, always consult with your physician before starting any new physical fitness program.

14. Lightsaber dueling is the Jedi's sport of choice. Jedi duel with lightsaber replicas to practice living in the present moment. It's hard to think about the past or the future if you are dueling with a lightsaber, ouch! Lightsaber practice actually has a multitude of benefits. Dueling helps improve a Jedi's coordination, flexibility, and balance because when dueling with a lightsaber, it becomes an extension of you. Many adults suffer from play deprivation, and play has been scientifically proven to reduce stress and anxiety - so lightsaber dueling also reduces anxiety. It's a good form of cardiovascular exercise too. The real lightsaber only exists in the Star Wars Universe, but for the Jedi, the lightsaber is a powerful symbol that represents alertness, mindfulness, agility, play, discipline, skill, and living in the present moment. You don't have to duel with a lightsaber in order to be a Jedi, but most Jedi like to duel with them. Warning: Always wear proper eye protection when dueling with lightsabers!

15. Jedi believe in destiny, and don't believe in coincidences. Jedi trust in the will of the Force and accept the fact that nothing happens by accident. Things happen for a reason. Jedi believe in destiny, and that there is a higher intelligent design to what happens in the Universe. Things happen when they are meant to happen; there is perfection in the will of the Force. Nothing happens by accident. There is a 'soul-plan' for every person, but it's hard to understand these things from our level. Sometimes strange indeed are the ways of the Force!

16. Jedi believe in 'letting go' of their attachments, and train on this. The fear of loss of one's attachments can lead to the dark side, so a 'letting go' and 'trusting in the will of the Force' attitude needs to be developed by Jedi to overcome this fear of loss. For example, Anakin had a great fear of loss and was afraid that his mother would die, and after she died, his fear of loss was transferred over to Padme. He became obsessed with his fear of loss, and eventually this led him to the dark side and to horrible actions. Everything really belongs to the Force and not to us, so we need to trust the Force, and not be so attached to people and possessions and things. We need to do our best, and give it our best shot, but then trust the Force for the outcome of events. Fear can be overcome by letting go and trusting in the will of the Force, and giving everything over to the Force. We need to surrender everything to the will of the Force, and believe that we will be taken care of, and that all will go well for us and our loved ones; only then can we defeat this fear of loss and have peace of mind. Perfect trust in the Force destroys the fear of loss, and we all need to train on this.

17. Jedi believe in life after death, and that the soul survives physical death. Therefore, Jedi do not excessively mourn those who pass. There will always be some mourning, and missing of that person, which is only natural for human beings. However, Jedi avoid the extremes of mourning that can be so debilitating, negative, and destructive; in other words, Jedi don't get obsessed with mourning. Jedi trust that the Force will take care of the souls of their departed loved ones, and with love, let go.

18. Jedi have special abilities and are encouraged to learn the ways of the Force, and to use the Force, but only for good works; things like training, defense, knowledge, and helping others who are in need. Some of the Jedi skills are martial arts, fighting skills, telepathy, intuition, future sensing, visions during meditation, clairvoyance, clairaudience, telekinesis or psychokinesis, ESP or PSI, mind reading, remote viewing, healing with energy, and Jedi mind tricks. Jedi should be training to develop some of these skills, when time allows.

19. Jedi have compassion and respect towards all forms of life. Like Anakin said, "compassion is central to a Jedi's life". However, we need to have love and compassion for ourselves first, and then let that compassion gravitate outwards to the whole creation. Can you look in the mirror and say to yourself that you have love and compassion for yourself, exactly how you are right now? That you accept yourself; that you approve of yourself? If yes, then you can easily have love and compassion for others. If no, then you need to work on having more love and compassion for yourself. Be kind to yourself. Love and compassion are essential to being a Jedi, so let it flow out from you to everyone and everything.

20. Jedi believe in peace and justice, and are the guardians of these two wonderful virtues. Jedi deeply believe in finding peaceful solutions to problems, if possible. Jedi are expert negotiators, and first try to solve problems without fighting. Obi-Wan Kenobi taught Luke that there are alternatives to fighting. Sometimes Obi-Wan used Jedi mind tricks, or fake dragon calls to scare the aggressors away, or he tried to persuade aggressors not to attack through higher reasoning. He always tried to look for alternatives to fighting first. Only when all other means failed would he use his lightsaber to solve the problem. I think Jedi can learn from Obi-Wan's example, and should only consider fighting as the last resort. We should all be well trained on how to defend ourselves and others, but should look for alternatives before we decide to fight. Avoiding a fight could be something as easy as moving out of the aggressor’s striking range, or trying to calm or distract the aggressor. But if all else fails, a Jedi will defend himself/herself and others because Jedi embrace justice, which means protecting and preserving the basic rights of others. Empathy is important too; without it, Jedi can't understand how others feel when they are injured by injustice.

21. Jedi believe in being humble, and consider arrogance to be a flaw, or something that is undesirable. The opposite of arrogance is humility. Jedi embrace humility, and do not consider themselves better than others. Jedi never use the Force in order to show off in public or to impress others, like Anakin did by floating fruit in the air in front of Padme. Jedi try to hide their powers from public view in order to help preserve their humility, which is a great virtue.

22. Jedi believe in service to others. There is a lot of satisfaction in serving others and most Jedi agree that that volunteerism is at least one way that you can serve. If you haven't noticed already, Jedi prefer to be serving instead of receiving. Why is this? Like the old saying goes, it's more blessed to give than to receive. The way of the Force is to give. The Force is always giving without expecting anything back in return, and the Jedi are like this too. Here are some practical benefits that come from serving others: service helps remove our egocentric thinking; service helps to bring us out of our self; service helps remove our feelings of self-centeredness; service helps increase the flow of positive energy within us; service reconnects us with others, etc. We can start a life of service today by doing something beneficial for someone else. We can start by volunteering to help people or animals in some way, and then keep adding on to that service. If we keep on trying, sooner or later the majority of our actions will be service orientated, instead of receiving or taking orientated.

23. Jedi are devoted to accomplishing their mission in life. Sometimes it requires great discipline, sacrifice, incredible focus, patience, inner strength, and a strong sense of duty to accomplish your mission. But first, a Jedi must determine what his/her mission will be; this is accomplished by deep soul searching and meditation. You must determine and choose what your mission will be; you will decide it for yourself. Then, you will need to prioritize or decide how important it is for you to accomplish your mission, compared to other things that will demand your time and attention. Balance will be necessary so that you can accomplish your mission and meet all of your other worldly responsibilities.

24. Jedi are always mindful of the Living Force. When Jedi are being mindful of the Living Force, their minds are not being filled with so many distracting thoughts. Jedi feel a connection to all living things when they are mindful of the Force. Our satisfaction in life comes from our personal connection to the Living Force; material things, relationships, fame and wealth don't bring lasting peace, happiness, or satisfaction. Only our daily and conscious connection to the Living Force brings lasting peace and happiness. We need to make the Force the center of our life. If we lose awareness of our connection to the Living Force, then we will slowly start to lose our happiness. Therefore, we need to stay mindful of the Living Force throughout the day in order to stay happy, peaceful and content.

25. Jedi believe in something called symbiosis. Webster defines symbiosis as "the intimate living together of two dissimilar organisms in a mutually beneficial relationship." There is a connection between the Force and all living things. According to Yoda, "It's energy surrounds us and binds us." Obi-Wan stated that, "It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together." We are all connected through the Force. Because of this, Jedi believe in, and practice symbiosis. For Jedi, symbiosis means to work well with, and get along with different life forms for mutual benefits and advantage. Jedi try to live in harmony with nature, and with those around them; this is accomplished by forming cooperative relationships with others. This is not always easy to accomplish, but very Jedi.

26. Jedi believe in the law of attraction or manifestation, which has always been a part of the Jedi path. The law of attraction is basically this: whatever you strongly think about and visualize, and firmly believe in it (mentally see it, feel it, and touch it), you will eventually receive it - if you keep it up. Jedi believe that everything is made of energy. Our thoughts are made of energy too, subtle mental energy, and they are real things. Jedi believe that the energy from our thoughts, if strong enough, will attract similar energy. The Force will bring us whatever we continue to firmly think about, even if we are unaware of doing it. Our subconscious mind is very powerful, and sometimes it can manifest things too. This makes it extremely important to know yourself, and to always be aware of what you are thinking. We don’t want to manifest negative things into our lives, only positive things.

27. Jedi believe in democracy, but they also believe in keeping an eye on politicians. Jedi are cautious of politicians, and of their many promises in order to get elected or re-elected. Jedi are skeptical about the intentions and secret dealings of many politicians, but also realize that there are some good politicians in government too. Examples of honest politicians from the Star Wars universe are: Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo and Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan; both were politicians who cared about and sincerely served the people they represented. Senator Bail Organa saved Yoda and Obi-Wan after the Jedi were defeated, and he clearly went out of his way to assist them. Chancellor Palpatine was the extreme opposite; he was exceptionally skilled at manipulating and deceiving the people in order to achieve his own personal evil agenda.

28. Jedi mentors are allowed to train one Padawan at a time, if they decide that they want to train an apprentice; it's a voluntary service. By accepting only one Padawan, the Jedi mentor has more time to train together with the Padawan. More focus and attention to detail can be given to the Padawan by the Jedi mentor. The Padawan who wants to be trained seeks out a fitting Jedi mentor who is available, prepared, and willing to train him/her. If a Jedi mentor accepts an apprentice, he/she promises to train and mentor their Padawan to the best of their ability. Both hands-on training and one-on-one instructions are given to the Padawan by the Jedi mentor. It's an informal agreement for training by both parties (or if it's a minor, parents of the minor and the Jedi mentor must first agree). The agreement can be broken by either party at any time. Training sessions are based upon the Jedi mentor's availability to train the Padawan, especially if he/she has a full time job and other responsibilities.

29. Jedi train on oneness or union with the Force. The highest purpose of life is to train on becoming one with the Living Force. Qui-Gon Jinn returned from the Force to train Yoda and Obi-Wan on how to become one with the Force while they were alive, still in the body, without losing their individual consciousness. This is considered immortality, but religions call it by different names like enlightenment, self realization, or God realization; it's the same thing. 'Oneness' or union with the Force is something that we can all slowly train towards during our whole life. As long as we are breathing, we need to train on becoming one with the Living Force, and never give up.

30. Jedi believe in and are committed to the Jedi order. The Jedi are called an 'order' many times in Star Wars. The words "Jedi order" give connotations that the Jedi Path is something like a religion, and like a way of life. The pure and true meaning of the word religion comes from the Latin word "religio" which was derived from the Latin word "re-ligare" or "to reconnect." The purpose of the Jedi teachings are"to reconnect" a Jedi to the Force. Actually, we are always connected to the Force, but we have lost our conscious awareness of this special connection. Why have we lost it? Mainly because of the many distractions of the mind, and because of the busy and demanding world in which we live and work; we get so caught up in it! Also because we are not living in the present moment, nor are we being mindful of the Living Force. Anyhow, we should always be committed to the Force and to the Jedi order.

31. Jedi can see the future through the Force, both short term and long term future events. Short term future sensing is seeing how things will turn out shortly before they actually happen; it's important for the Jedi because it gives them an advantage, and it's an excellent survival skill. Long term future sensing is usually connected to visions received while in meditation, and sometimes is known as prophecy. Visions of future events can also be given to Jedi in dreams. Long term future sensing only provides pieces of the puzzle that might give warnings about upcoming events. Caution must be taken when trying to interpret visions of long term future events, because they can be easily misinterpreted.

32. Jedi can feel disturbances in the Force. If a Jedi is mindful, and stays consciously connected to the Force, he/she can feel these disturbances. Feeling Force disturbances usually happen after there has been some type of large scale disaster, and/or a great loss of life. Obi-Wan sensed a disturbance in the Force when billions of creatures had suddenly died after the beloved planet Alderaan was destroyed by the Death Star. Yoda sensed it after Anakin had killed a tribe of Tusken Raiders. Also Yoda sensed it when the Jedi were being killed after order number 66 had been issued. Being able to feel disturbances in the Force saved Yoda's life, because he avoided the assassination attempt on his life. Jedi should take heed if they feel any disturbances in the Force.

33. Jedi believe in keeping their sense of humor, especially during adversity. Jedi are always quick to crack a joke when they are in danger, or when everything looks bleak. Jedi never miss an opportunity for humor, if they can somehow fit it in. Master Yoda had a great sense of humor, especially when he met Luke for the first time. Obi-Wan Kenobi possessed a dry sense of humor and sarcastic wit. All of the Jedi had a sense of humor to some degree.
:: The Philosophy Assignment Five ::
What are your general thoughts on the 33 Teachings?
Do they pass the APBP Test?
Who created the 33 Teachings?
Do you agree with them?
Is there any you don't particularly agree with or like? Why?
Do you feel the Teachings blend well with the Circle and/or the Precepts?

Re: The Philosophy: (2016)

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:07 am
by admin
-= The Philosophy: Lecture Six =-
Next we move on to the Jedi Compass. Created in 2013 it had a very interesting beginning. In 2012 a group was created to explore the commonality between the several Jedi Groups which existed at the time. All Websites/Groups were asked to send a representative to discuss and vote on certain teachings and ideals floating around our community. One piece stood out - the Jedi Circle. It was voted on and passed as a core part of Jedi Thought (under protest by some). While this illuminated a lot of our common ground it did not result in any Community-wide standard as the project had intended. And when the project lead sought to use the Jedi Circle as a basis it was met with resistance.
Setanaoko wrote:
This document did start out as a means of resolving problems people had with the Jedi Circle actually giving someone direction to learn the Jedi Path (saw too many times that the Jedi Circle is a good document to show how to be a good person, but does not necessarily give one an idea of how to become a Jedi.) And in fact, while it may not reflect the entirety of the document, the Jedi Circle did give life to a lot of the points within this document.
Now this is often said to have been written by the Jedi Community. Though that is a bit of a misnomer. How the process and project worked was a base work was set-up with the Jedi Circle as a concept. And then it was given to many Jedi groups to discuss (not all - the list is as follows: FA, RJK, RJE, ToTJO, IJRS, Jedi Church, and eventually Here). The person compiling the information (Setanaoko/Alethea) took the ideas and concept they felt had merit and kept altering the Jedi Compass based upon feedback. Even the name went through a few changes, originally called the Jedi Pyramid and Jedi Sextant. Eventually a core text was compiled from the various discussions (and voted upon somewhere). In 2014 the Project Lead (Alethea) went to several Jedi sites again and asked for Jedi to volunteer to write pieces (lecture/lesson/story) for the Jedi Compass in order to put it in self-published book form. In June of 2014 it was published with profits earned going to UNICEF (disclaimer - Jedi Living cannot confirm nor deny that is where the profits go). Here is the finished product, once again unaltered.

The Jedi Compass - by the Jedi Community.

The Ineffable
The Force - "The Force" is a loosely adapted term to explain a something which all cultures agree exist, but disagree on exactly what it is. As such, a Jedi dedicates themselves to understanding of all things within and through 'the Force'. As a rule, no Jedi can set down in law a concrete definition of 'the Force' for all to follow, only for themselves.

Core Ethics
Loyalty to the Jedi Code - This has a few different variants depending on what order a Jedi attends. A Jedi is bound by the code. By maintaining your loyalty to the code, you are able to keep your actions in check through the moral integrity of the Jedi Path outlined in the Jedi Code. It is important that a Jedi checks their own version of the code against the original codes (Jedi Code and Skywalker Code) before they adopt it.

Duty to the All - A Jedi's mission is to support their community through service. A Jedi is charged with acting, objectively, when they recognise a situation where someone needs help. Jedi put their lives above the lives of others, even when facing danger, but know that they can help through direct action or indirect action as per the situation.

Respect the Law - A Jedi knows enough of the law to operate within it. Jedi should respect, and do their best to live by, the laws of the land they are living in. However, these are man's law, and like man, subject to flaws. A Jedi must act for the best interest of mankind as he/she sees the situation.

Defense - A Jedi understands that defense is not purely physical, but that there are many ways to defend a person or property. As such, it is important to understand that Jedi are not vigilantes. If, however, they are in a position where they are called to defend themselves or someone else against loss of life, limb or senses, they are allowed to apply the appropriate amount of force necessary for defense.

Action - A Jedi recognizes that there are times when getting involved with a situation is against the will of the person they are seeking to assist, or that helping them may be more detrimental in the long run. As such, a Jedi seeks inner wisdom to determine when to act and when not to act.

Self Awareness
Interior - A Jedi works to become aware of their emotions and things which make them 'tick'. They learn of their flaws and strengths, seeking to reconcile a life with those flaws which they cannot change and the strengths they have been blessed with. In this a Jedi must be constantly looking inward for their motivations, their directions, what moves them, and why they allow it to do so.

Exterior - It is important that a Jedi be aware of the person they present to those around them, and how that will affect the dynamic of the groups they find themselves in. How one's presence is received will determine whether or not the next steps will be met with hostility or acceptance.

Tolerance - You do not need to agree with someone's religion, their nationality, their career choice, their dress or anything else for that matter. Tolerance is not about agreement, it is about showing respect for the freedom of a persons choices and to respect their choices, until it reaches a point in which a reasonable person would consider the individual's actions as a/an (emotionally, spiritually, financially, and/or physically) abusive threat to you or another person.

Responsibility - Responsibility is at the heart of learning to overcome our problems. A Jedi should be held responsible for all of their actions. Without it, we cannot grow, we cannot help others and we cannot justify why we are to be taken seriously.

Discipline - In order to walk the Jedi Path, you need to live by your training and by the philosophy. It is your responsibility to continue your growth throughout the rest of your life. Even while you are training with a mentor or taking a course at an order, it is discipline that will get you through to your knighthood and beyond.

Fortitude - Fortitude is the emotional strength and conviction to press forward in any given situation which poses an internal or external adversity. Developing fortitude allows a Jedi to show that they are not willing to give up until they have drawn their last breath.

Integrity - A Jedi seeks to maintain their integrity to the Jedi Code at all times. A Jedi should hold themselves to a high standard knowing that what they do when no one is looking is just as important as what they do when people are looking.

Objectivity - A Jedi trains themselves to gain as much relevant information as possible before drawing their conclusions. Once intelligence has been collected, they approach the problem with as little cultural and emotional bias as possible so that they are able to develop a decision on their next action.

Aggression - To build on the Jedi Virtues, a Jedi must keep themselves open to the world. Through the misuse of aggression, they miss out on opportunities to further their cause. This does not preclude being assertive. A Jedi needs to learn to find the most effective means of resolving a conflict through the least bit of hostility possible.

Recklessness - A Jedi does not take unnecessary risks, knowing that their life is important to the Jedi Mission of bettering the world around them. In overcoming recklessness, a Jedi acknowledges and is mindful of how small the impact is perceived to have on themselves or others.

Attachments - Overcoming your attachments is not about getting rid of all your possessions or even denouncing your family, instead this is about forward movement. In overcoming/subjagating your attachments, you are acknowledging what value these things have to you, and you recognize that there comes a time when you should no longer fight for your attachments, and you must let go. For a Jedi overcoming attachments can extend to bad habits, unhealthy obsessions, and connections to people that make us less who we have chosen to be.

Defense Art - A "Defense Art" is not necessarily physical in nature, it can be through speech, writing, diplomacy, art or a number of other options which lead to an active method of curing the world of oppression. Like many of the other disciplines, you may find that your Defense Art is the same as another art (Physical, Scholarly, or Spiritual).

Physical Art - A Jedi should seek a physical art within their capabilities which keeps them them in shape and focuses on maintaining discipline of their body. Part of the physical art, which can be observed by all Jedi regardless of their mobility, is health. A Jedi should eat right, and maintain their health to the best of their ability.

Scholarly Art - A Jedi should seek out skills that provide benefit to them and the people around them. The search for knowledge is fundamental to Jedi as one never stops learning, seeking knowledge or bettering their skills.

Spiritual Art - A spiritual art may be as simple as developing meditation, but can go far beyond this. A Jedi may choose to develop a spiritual art aimed at connecting them with "the Force" through healing, seeking guidance, or simply developing their own self awareness.
:: The Philosophy Assignment Six ::
What are your general thoughts on the Jedi Compass?
Do you agree with it?
Who gets lead credit for creating the Jedi Compass?
Is there any points you don't particularly agree with or like? Why?
How do you feel the Compass works with the other Jedi texts we have looked at thus far?
Do you feel it supersedes them?

Re: The Philosophy: (2016)

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:07 am
by admin
-= The Philosophy: Lecture Seven =-
Next we will be looking at the last piece created by Jedi for Jedi (kind of). The 21 Maxims are still used to this day at certain Jediism websites. These maxims were created around October 2001 (closest date we can verify) by Christopher Chanada for the website. Chanada, like others, looked to preexisting texts to give him a starting point for his work. His basis of inspiration was the Knights Code of Chivalry described by the Duke of Burgandy and The Noble Habitus (it is also conjectured that he drew from The 25 Rules of Civility by Dr. P.M. Forni). It has also been suggested (without proof) that Chanada took preexisting rewrites of the Knights Code of Chivalry described by the Duke of Burgandy in the Jedi Community and used that (as Unity projects sought to do around that time). Regardless Chanada presented a never before seen list of Jedi principles which used as a basis for its structure and lessons. And other sites have used since.

21 Maxims of the Jediism Code
I. Prowess
To seek excellence in all endeavors expected of a Jedi Knight, martial and otherwise, seeking strength to be used in the service of justice, rather than in personal aggrandizement. A Jedi strives to excel physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, and can put these in motion instantly. This requires discipline, patience and perfect practice, for a Jedi is always mindful of what lies behind and what lies ahead, and prepares for the encounter with his destiny. A Jedi Knight engages in the battle to be victorious - on whatever front he is faced with in the modern world.

II. Justice
Seek always the path of 'right', unencumbered by bias or personal interest. Recognize that the sword of justice can be a terrible thing, so it must be tempered by humanity and mercy. If the 'right' you see agrees with others, and you seek it out without bending to the temptation for expediency, then you will earn renown beyond measure. Meditate often upon the Force as a means to discern justice, as well as discerning both good and evil.

III. Loyalty
Be known for unwavering commitment to the people and ideals you choose to live by. There are many places where compromise is expected; loyalty is not amongst them. Jedi can exist in this universe because the Force exists. But the Jedi Order needs more: it requires loyalty. It goes without saying that Jedi should be loyal to one another. They should not squabble or fight. More importantly, though, each Jedi should be aware that he must act in accordance with the wishes of his Master, who must in turn act in accordance with the wishes of the Jedi Council. This is not a question of seniority, but rather of understanding the will of the Force, and in this regard, the members of the Jedi Council are wise council indeed.

IV. Defense
The ideal Jedi Knight is sworn by oath to defend the Light.. Seek always to defend your nation, your family, and those to whom you believe worthy of loyalty.

V. Courage
Being a Jedi Knight often means choosing the more difficult path, the personally expensive one. Be prepared to make personal sacrifices in service of the precepts and people you value. At the same time, a Jedi Knight should seek wisdom to see that stupidity and courage are cousins. Courage also means taking the side of truth in all matters, rather than seeking the expedient lie. Seek the truth whenever possible, but remember to temper justice with mercy, or the pure truth can bring grief. However, it must also be noted that to a Jedi, to be brave in battle proves nothing, as bravery itself proves nothing. A Jedi should be prepared to put aside fear, regret, and uncertainty and either act, retreat, surrender or perish.

VI. Faith
A Jedi Knight must have faith in his beliefs, for faith roots him and gives hope against the despair that human failings create. A Jedi's strength flows from the Force. A Jedi's faith is in the Light, and to the One from which it emanates, as his guidance, as his path, as his friend, and as his destiny. The path of Jedi is a path of inner illumination and the conquering of the lesser self, that the Greater Inner Self, better known as Jedi, may in turn take dominion over the life purpose and destiny of the Outer Self, or Jedi, who resides in the physical.

VII. Humility
Value first the contributions of others; do not boast of your own accomplishments, let others do this for you. Tell the deeds of others before your own, according them the renown rightfully earned through virtuous deeds. In this way the office of Jedi Knighthood is well done and glorified, helping not only the gentle spoken of but also all who call themselves Jedi Knights.

VIII. Fearlessness
Fear leads to the Darkside. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering. There is so much superstition and hypocrisy around that one is afraid even to do the right thing. But if one gives way to fear, even truth will have to be suppressed. The golden rule is to act fearlessly upon what one believes to be right. Fearlessness does not mean arrogance or aggressiveness. That in itself is a sign of fear. Fearlessness presupposes calmness and peace of mind. For this, it is necessary to have a living faith in the Light. He who has awakened his spirit to the Light is free from fear. Fear lies in illusions in the mind. Listen always to the still small voice within - commune within by meditation, both moving and sitting still. Practice courage until it becomes who you are. Practice equinimity, which is to experience changes and be unmoved - a mountain of being remains unmoved. When fear is displaced within, ALWAY replace it with Light. Nature abhors a vacuum.

IX. Nobility
Seek great stature of character by holding to the virtues and duties of a Jedi Knight, realizing that though the ideals cannot be reached, the quality of striving towards them ennobles the spirit, growing the character from dust towards the heavens. Nobility also has the tendency to influence others, offering a compelling example of what can be done in the service of rightness.

X. Franchise
Seek to emulate everything here as sincerely as possible, not for the reason of personal gain but because it is right. Do not restrict your exploration to a small world, but seek to infuse every aspect of your life with these qualities. Should you succeed in even a tiny measure then you will be well remembered for your quality and virtue. Using the Force for selfish purposes --- self-gain, egotism, even convenience --- crosses the boundary between the light and the dark sides.

XI. Pure Motive
It is true that actions speak louder than words. However, behind every action is motive and a purpose. Without a sound motive and purpose, action has no meaning, no destination, and lacks a foundation. Action without motive and purpose does nothing other than to move for the sake of moving, beating the air to appear to doing something, when in fact is doing nothing, the proverbial spinning wheels in the mud. A Jedi moves with the Force. He meditates upon the Will of the Force. A Jedi's actions are firmly based upon a deep motivation to serve the Force of Light, and is deeply rooted in purpose. There is no wasted movement, or the need for action when none is required, for to a Jedi, action means nothing without a pure motive, or a sound purpose.

XII. Discipline
A Jedi's mind is a calm ocean, like a sea of glass. He realizes that it is in conquering the tides of the emotions as well as reactions to stimulus that allows the Jedi to be victorious in all things, for he is chalice for the Force, an extension of the Will of the Force. This inner stillness requires much discipline: mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. A Jedi by nature is highly disciplined in all levels of his being, that in the fiery moment where the Force must be released to defend self or others who deserve that loyalty, the action is a clear extension of many years of training and inner discipline.

XIII. Focus
A Jedi Knight's focus is in the moment, in the now, realizing that the stylus of time cuts in the present, and that history is perpetually in the making. A Jedi Knight realizes that past is important, as well as the future, working to develop the spiritual faculties to perceive and discern such, but not at the expense of the present, of the here and now.

XIV. Discretion
It is sometimes necessary for a Jedi to practice discretion. Jedi do not actively interfere with the lives of the common people. Jedi stand for order and justice; however, Jedis prioritize and streamline their involvement, and do not allow the misdeeds of the few to interfere with the conscious direction received as to the Will of the Force and how their office as Jedi helps brings these into fruition. The goal of the Jedi should be to create and preserve an atmosphere where justice can flourish, rather than try to create justice themselves. A byword of Jedi could be, "I may not always agree with your choices, but I will defend your right to choose with my very life."

XV. Meditation
"Every Jedi should spend time meditating each day on the will of the Force. The reason for this is simple: if one has unwittingly acted contrary to the will of the Force, recognising the mistake soon after may still give one time to make amends." By regularly examining one's own motivations, a Jedi could be certain that she was not allowing emotion, ignorance, or passion to intrude upon their clarity. A Jedi who has no time to meditate may more easily become lost. More to the point, a Jedi who refuses to meditate may already know that her motivations are not pure, and is thus lying to herself. "The Jedi who heeds not the counsel of the Force, to the Dark Side listens." Because a Jedi is an integral component of the Light side, it is therefore a prudent practice for the Jedi to also meditate upon the luminous essence of being (the inner light) at least once a day, which purifies the mind, motives and direction.

XVI. Training
A Jedi's training in the Force never ends. A wise Jedi should strive to remember that there is always something more to learn about the Force. The Force reveals itself to those who have the desire and knowledge to see it, and merely heeding the Force's will is much the same as looking at an elephant's toe and saying: "Now I understand elephants." To continue to grow, a Jedi should train each day.

XVII. Integrity
A Jedi's responsibility to the Force is to be honest with himself. As long as the Jedi is not acting for his own self-interest and observes the Code, he is obeying the will of the Force. A Jedi can and should offer advice to those who need it. From a certain point of view, a Jedi is not being dishonest if he allows people to believe what they wish to believe. It is not incumbent upon the Jedi to convince anyone to follow his advice. When a Jedi is serving the Force, he may employ deception, subterfuge, misdirection, and even fraud, as long as he does so with a righteous aim. Do not confuse this with "moral flexibility." A Jedi does what needs to be done. But also remember that a Jedi is not above the law.

XVIII. Morality
Jedi Knights practice noninterference with differing cultures and while Jedi can bring or restore order and justice, they do not themselves sit in judgment of others as a rule. Judgment leads to vengeance, and vengeance leads to the Dark Side.Therefore, as a rule, Jedis are not enforcers of morality per se. However, at the same time, while not judges, Jedi can be mediators. It is a role they are suited for, and one that works in accordance with the Force since mediation leads to balance.

XIX. Engaging in Conflict
Conflict is a fact of life in the galaxy for far too many beings, and no Jedi can hope to remain apart from it. But a Jedi need not embrace conflict. "If a weapon you show, 'A warrior am I!' you say. And who is best must all other warriors know of you." So, to avoid unnecessary fighting, a Jedi should not advertise his skill. But when is it necessary to actively engage in conflict? The Force will show a Jedi when he has no other options, and a wise Jedi trusts the Force in this regard.

XX. Intervention
A Jedi Knight must not allow evil to take place once they become aware of its working. To remain aloof in situations where a Jedi's intervention would prevent the dark side from attaining another foothold is the same as helping it do so. This a Jedi Knight must never do. A True Jedi Knight must constantly be wary of his path, making certain he does not stray toward the dark side, but remains firm in the light. Therefore, when the situation warrants it, the Jedi acts as an extension of the Will of the Force, and is therefore sponsored and backed by that Will.

XXI. Harmonizing
The Path of the Jedi Knight is more than just a system of techniques for controlling, sensing, and altering the Force. It is a deep spiritual ideology of existence, a deeply meaningful and moving panoramic journey and path of the soul and spirit to fully embrace the Light, in which the individual sees his true nature as a part of a larger whole, and claims his own rightful place in the symbiotic whole of the way of things. A Jedi seeks to live in harmony with the universe, focusing on the most serious and intent discipline and gained spherical awareness to reach his goal. There are inherent temptations that seem to create conflict between nature and the mind, which mistakenly urge the Jedi to fall onto easier paths. This the Jedi strives to avoid at all costs, no matter how dear or how tempting. A Jedi should focus his efforts on creating harmony between all beings. They detest violence of any sort; and reluctantly engage in resolving in combat as a last resort when other attempts at conflict resolution have failed.
:: The Philosophy Assignment Seven ::
What are your general thoughts on the 21 Maxims?
Do you feel it summarizes the Jedi Way in a positive and beneficial manner?
Who wrote the 21 Maxims?
Do you agree with them?
Is there any you don't particularly agree with or like? Why?
Do you feel the Maxims blend well with the other Jedi texts we have explored?

Re: The Philosophy: (2016)

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:09 am
by admin
-= The Philosophy: Lecture Eight =-
We will be stepping back into the realm of the Jedi Code. Fictional (Role-Playing) Inspiration which we have used to help define and guide our way of life. In 2002 the Jedi Rules of Behavior were given next to the Jedi Code in the role-playing guides by Wizards of the Coast (who took over the Lucas contract from West End Games). The one that focused the most attention on this was the Power of the Jedi Sourcebook.
In the early days of the Community we have all the "For Jedi by Jedi" texts that we have floating around now. Not only that, but what few we did have (lectures and such) often came from untested sources. Meaning that we were all kids (regardless of age) who didn't have a whole lot of experience living as Jedi as best we could in everyday life. So it was all theory and conjecture. Where these days the texts shared here have been used as teaching standard for years with many Jedi extolling the virtues and value of the material. So when the Rules of Behavior came out it was like a ray of sunshine. All we had were quotes and the Code(s) before that. So to have something much more in-depth really helped set a standard and core definition for the Jedi Path. While our other texts have been copied without edits or alteration. There will be some edits here. As the entire text is way too long (5 pages in the book) to put all of it here. Enjoy....

"A Jedi Master always said this to each of his students before their first lesson: 'Cross an unfamiliar river without first discerning its depth and shallows, and you will drown in its currents without reaching your goal.' Being a Jedi is no different. Identify the pitfalls and learn the proper path, or you fail the Order and sacrifice yourself to no good purpose." - Master Odan-Urr

A Jedi is at her best when she is brave, selfless, and responsible, and she puts the will of the Force before her own personal wants and needs. A Jedi also serves as an icon of socially acceptable behavior and positive influence. Being a Jedi is about much more than defeating an enemy and overcoming the Darkness. The Jedi must earn the acceptance of the common citizens in the world and uphold the tenets of the Jedi Order.

These commentaries do not answer every question a Jedi might have about how one should act, think, and address the problems of everyday life, or about simultaneously serving the common good and obeying the will of the Force.
While the Jedi Code addresses a number of matters relating to understanding and mastering the Force, it is not entirely about knowing the Force. To know the Force, a Jedi must feel it, and writings are no substitute for personal experience. Conversely, a Jedi cannot learn polite and acceptable social behavior by experiencing the Force. Thus, the Jedi Code is a set of guidelines for understanding the Force without sacrificing good manners.

The Code contains a number of basic instructions on day-to-day life, including discussions on diet and hygiene. A Jedi certainly shouldn't give up because of occasionally overeating, or missing a bath. These brief discussions instead elaborate on how the Jedi Order expects Jedi to behave, and therefore give some pointers on how to live as a Jedi.

One of the keystones of Jedi behavior is self-discipline, and Jedi Master instruct their students in this tenet very early. Most of the lessons are rudimentary, but as the Jedi student progresses, so does the complexity of the lessons. The Jedi student learns that self-discipline is one of the more important lessons to be learned and it will serve her well throughout her life.

Overcome Arrogance:
Jedi are special, but their training and abilities do not make them better than other people. A Jedi is only a Jedi because someone else has taken the trouble to teach them. As Master Dooku once explained to a group of Kedi students, "The acceptance of others is not a guarantee. Like everyone else, a Jedi is accepted or not based on his behavior. The Jedi who believes that he is more important than others only demonstrates that his opinion is to be ignored."

Overcome Overconfidence:
Through their training many young Jedi come to believe they can accomplish anything. And they take on tasks beyond their own abilities. Not realizing that the Force is only limitless to those who have a limitless understanding.
Master Vodo-Siok Baas said, "Overconfident thinking is flawed because the Jedi does not take all possibilities into account. He may understand the task at hand, the support of his fellows, and the ramifications of his success, and he may have even planned for unanticipated factors - but he has failed to understand his own capabilities. He has planned only for success, because he has concluded that there can be no failure. Every Jedi, in every task, should prepare for the possibility of failure."

Overcome Defeatism:
The opposite of overconfidence is defeatism: the belief that no effort, no matter how great, can possibly succeed. Though this might seem contradictory with the goal of conquering overconfidence, it amounts to a matter of priorities. A Jedi should plan for success first, and failure second. The Jedi who plans excessively for failure expects to lose. Indeed, the Jedi who approaches each task as though failure is the most likely option puts forth only the minimal effort - enough to say that she tried. As Yoda said, "Try not. Do or do not. There is no try."

Overcome Stubbornness:
A Jedi should be willing to accept defeat if the cost of winning is greater than the cost of losing. Rekpa De said, "Do not see a duel as a choice between winning and losing. Every duel can have many, many outcomes. When you concentrate solely on winning - as in everything else - you sully your victory. Winning becomes worse than losing. It is better to lose well than to win badly. And it is always better to end a duel peacefully than to win or lose."

Overcome Recklessness:
Young Jedi in particular are always ready to ignite their lightsabers and plunge into battle, reach out impulsively through the Force to move heavy objects, or trick the minds of the weak-willed; such Jedi lack self-restraint. They perceive a goal and rush towards it, heedless of the unseen dangers or other options. Master Wiwa told her first student, "Learn to recognize when speed is not important. Race when being first is important; move at your own pace at all other times. It is not necessary to always strike the first blow, to provide the first solution, or to reach a goal before anyone else does. In fact, it is sometimes vital to strike the last blow, to give the final answer, or to arrive after everyone else."

Overcome Curiosity:
It is unseemly for a Jedi to probe unnecessarily into the business of others. All beings are entitled to their privacy, and intruding gives the clear message that the privacy of others can be sacrificed to satisfy a Jedi's curiosity. To discreetly uncover the secrets of others might be occasionally necessary, but it should never be a matter of course, for it causes distrust of the Jedi in general. Master Odan-Urr said: "Use the Force to satisfy the will of the Force - not to satisfy your own curiosity."

Overcome Aggression:
To quote Yoda, "A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack." Jedi, especially while they are still training, confuse the meanings of attack, defense, and aggression. A Jedi can attack without aggression, especially if she acts without recklessness, hatred, or anger. A Jedi can even kill in self-defense if her opponent leaves her no other choice. However, these occurrences should never become commonplace. To conquer aggression, even in combat, a Jedi must explore every other option - including surrender - before resorting to lethal force.

Overcome External Loyalties:
Master Hoche Trit said: "A Jedi is a Jedi, first, foremost, and only. For a Jedi to divide his attention between the will of the Force and the will of others is to invite disaster." A Jedi may not marry without the special dispensation of the Jedi Council. A Jedi may not take a political appointment or accept gifts that are not necessary to his mission. A Jedi's loyalties must be to the Force, to the Jedi Order, to the people, and to himself, in that order.

Overcome Materialism:
Jedi keep few personal possessions. Not only are such belongings a distraction from the study of the Force, but once a Jedi becomes a Jedi Knight, her missions may take her far away on short notice, and numerous possessions become burdensome. Consequently, few Jedi keep more than what they can carry on their person. In the words of Master Kagoro: "I wear my robe so that I am warm; I carry my lightsaber that I am safe; and I keep enough credits for my next meal, so that I am not hungry. If the Force wants me to have more, it finds a way of letting me know."

Once a Jedi learns self-discipline, she can begin to accept responsibility for her actions. No Jedi who shuns responsibility should be trained, and no Jedi who embraces responsibility should be denied training.((Opie Highlight))

Practice Honesty:
Honesty is the first responsibility of the Jedi. A Jedi can allow others to believe incorrectly, lead others to incorrect conclusions by playing on their suppositions, or to stretch the truth if the situation demands it. A Jedi must always be honest with herself, her Master, and the Council. Jedi Knight Surenit Kil'qiy wisely said, "Let there be truth between your heart and the Force. All else is transitory." A Jedi who is honest with her beliefs and her motives finds responsibility to be almost second nature.

Honor Your Promises:
A Jedi who makes a promise should always be prepared to keep it or, failing that, to make amends. Thus, a Jedi should never make a promise he is not certain he can keep. Before making a promise, a Padawan learner should consult his Master, a Master should consult the Council, and the Council should meditate on the will of the Force. As Master Tho-Mes Drei said: "Deliver more than you promise. The best way to be always certain of this is to deliver much, even when you promise nothing."

Honor Your Padawan:
Every Master has an awesome responsibility to her Padawan learner in bringing him to the end of his training. A Jedi Master must always remember that a Padawan is an individual who deserves respect. A Master should not reprimand her Padawan in public, nor punish her Padawan for disagreeing with her. On the other hand, the Master should praise her apprentice when he does well, especially in the presence of others. Doing this builds the Padawan's confidence and strengthens the bond between Master and Apprentice.

Honor Your Master:
By the same token, a Padawan should endeavor to show respect to his Master at all times, especially in the presence of others. A Padawan should not disagree with his Master to the point of argument. The Padawan should defer to the Master and not invite censure. This spares the Master the burden of apologizing to others for the Padawan's behavior.

Honor the Jedi Council:
Although the Jedi Council embodies the ultimate authority in the Jedi Order, it cannot be everywhere at once. Therefore, when the Council sends a trusted Jedi on a mission, the Jedi speaks for the Council. This is an awesome responsibility, and no Jedi should abuse this trust. The Council must answer for the Jedi's words and actions, and it shows tremendous disrespect to put the Council in an untenable position. Master Yoda, on being invited to join the Council, said: "Now must I keep the word I made when only a Jedi Knight I was - a promotion, this is not." Yoda meant that when Jedi make decisions, the Jedi Council must ratify and uphold those decisions. Thus, a Jedi Knight should never make the job more difficult for the Council than necessary.

Honor the Jedi Order:
A Jedi's every action reflects on the Order. Good deeds serves the reputation of the Order, but poor behaviors does incalculable damage. Every Jedi should try to remember that each person she meets might never have encountered a Jedi before. How she behaves establishes a first impression of the Jedi, as a whole, in the person's mind. Master Odan-Urr reflected: "When a Jedi behaves badly in public, an observer might think, 'If this Jedi is representative of the whole Order, than plainly no Jedi is worthy of respect.' On meeting a second Jedi, who behaves better than the first, that same person might think "Does this say that half of the Jedi are good, and half bad?' On meeting a third Jedi, who behaves as well as the second, the person thinks, 'Was the first Jedi an exception, then?' In this way, only by the good behavior of several Jedi can the public be certain that the poor behavior of one Jedi was unusual. Thus, it takes many Jedi to undo the mistakes of one."

Honor the Law:
For the Jedi to protect peace and justice, they must be bound by those same tenets. No Jedi is above the law. A Jedi may break the law if he feels it is necessary, but he must then be prepared to accept the consequences of his crimes. Because the Jedi Council does not generally send Jedi out to be arrested and imprisoned, Jedi have a responsibility to the Council to avoid situations that leave no choice but to break the law.

Honor Life:
A Jedi should never commit murder, for any reason. If confronted with a life-or-death struggle, a Jedi may have to end life. This act is unfortunate, as all life is sacred. However, if the cause is justified - if the Jedi is protecting others or merely acting in self-defence - then the situation can be understandable. A Jedi should spend some of her daily meditation reflecting of life and it's loss, until she knows that the loss of life was necessary. If a Jedi is unsure of the will of the FOrce, she should consult her Master or the Jedi Council. A Jedi never should assume that any sentient life she takes is no cause for concern. When a Jedi finds that she does not care that she has killed, then she finds herself on the path to the dark side.

Public Service:
While the Jedi exist to study the ways of the Force, they are allowed to exist because they serve the public interest. Were they unable to use the Force - indeed, if the Force did not exist - the Jedi would go on serving, because this is their mandate. The fact that the Force is real, and that the Jedi are its' most devoted practitioners, only strengthens their resolve to use it in the service of the common good.
What one must understand throughout public service and the various topics to come on the matter, is that a Jedi is not an end-all solution. As Joshua once said: "We help others help themselves." A Jedi understands it is important to aid to others, yet more important to help them aid themselves.

Duty to the Republic:
The Republic and the Jedi Order are not the same, and the Jedi hold no authority in the Republic. Nevertheless, the Jedi serve the Republic. The Jedi act to preserve the Republic, to uphold its laws and ideals and to protect its citizens, but they hold no rank in the Republic hierarchy. The Jedi serve when asked and stand aside at all other times. ((Opie Highlight)) This arrangement between the Jedi and the Republic is so old that no one can remember how or why it came about.

Render Aid:
A Jedi is obliged to assist those in need of aid whenever possible, and must be able to quickly judge the priority of doing so. Saving one life is important; saving multiple lives more so. This tenet does not require a Jedi to abandon other goals in every circumstance, but the Jedi must do her best to ensure that those in need of aid receive it.

Defend the Weak:
A Jedi should strive to defend the weak against those who seek to oppress them, such as one person suffering at the hands of another. A Jedi should always remember, though, that not all might be as it seems. The customs of other cultures should always be respected, even if they offend the Jedi's moral or ethical code. In every case, though, the Jedi should carefully consider the ramifications of her actions. ((Story Time!!! Important make sure you read this))

Master Marspa once visited Nal Hutta with his student, Imina, on a diplomatic mission. Where there, they observed numerous acts of brutality directed at the salves of the Hutts, though Master Marspa said nothing. Later, Marspa and his apprentice visited Ord Mantell, where they witnessed a shopkeeper beating a servant. This time, without hesitation, Master Marspa stepped in and restrained the shopkeeper.
Afterward, Imina expressed confusion. "Master, you stopped that shopkeeper from beating his servant, but on Nal Hutta, we saw many, many acts far more heinous. Yet there, you did nothing. I do not understand."
Master Marspa sighed. "Were it within my authority on Nal Hutta, I would have set every last slave free and personally escorted them back home to their loved ones, far from Hutt space. But to interfere with the culture of the Hutts on their homeworld would have been to pass judgment on them on behalf of the Republic. The Republic Senate knows that slavery goes on in Hutt space. When they decide to do something about that, I will support them wholeheartedly.
On the other hand, slavery is not legal on Ord Mantell. For that shopkeeper to beat his employee was simply an unnecessary display of dominance. Were the Republic aware of his actions, they would have acted immediately. I am sad that there is a difference between the two, but it is not our place to correct the discrepancy."

Provide Support:
At times, a Jedi must stand aside to let others render aid or defend the weak - even though the Jedi could perhaps do a better job. The Jedi should assist by word or by action as required by the situation, offering advice when asked for, warning when necessary, and argument only when reason fails. Otherwise, the Jedi must remember that her training is a potent tool and she should be ready to use it on behalf of a good cause.
:: The Philosophy Assignment Eight ::
Per usual take the time to read this over a couple of times.
Out of (all) the previous Jedi Texts which one relies the most heavily on the Jedi Rules of Behavior? How did you come to that conclusion?
Out of the two (rules and which ever text you chose) which do you feel provides the best guidance for a Jedi?
Which Jedi text (all) relies the least on the Jedi Rules of Behavior?
Out of those two (Rules and which ever you chose) which do you feel provides the best guidance for a Jedi?
Out of the most Similar to the Rules and the Least like the Rules that you chose - which one do you like better and why?

Re: The Philosophy: (2016)

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:09 am
by admin
-= The Philosophy: Lecture Nine =-
The Ten Rules of Engagement was a fictional piece created by James Luceno for his novel Cloak of Deception (May 29, 2001). However only Five Rules were ever mentioned within the book. They are as follows:
A Jedi uses the Force and the lightsaber only for defense, never for Attack.
Understand the dark and light in all things.
Learn to see accurately.
Open your eyes to what is not evident.
Exercise caution, even in trivial manners.

Using these as a basis Steffan Karrade created the Ten Rules of Engagement lecture for his training program. He first shared them publicly with the Jedi Community September 11th 2001 (9:41am PST if you want to be super specific about it). Not all five made the cut and of course he had to add a few. These rules have been posted (without proper sources) at other Jedi sites, so you may have seen them around but given credit to the incorrect author. Here is the Ten Rules of Engagement Lesson/Lecture as written by Steffan Karrade from the Jedi Temple...

The Ten Rules Of Engagement:
1. Let the Force be your guide.
2. Know your motives for becoming involved.
3. Seek to know the motives of others involved.
4. Be aware of outside motivators.
5. Understand the dark and light in all things.
6. Learn to see accurately.
7. Open your eyes to what is not evident.
8. Exercise caution, even in trivial matters.
9. Examine closely who benefits, and how they do so.
10. Examine closely who is harmed, and why.

The Force is not limited by space and time. It has no color and no shape, no beginning and no end. It is part of everything and at odds with nothing.

If a hundred thousand people do a dumb thing. It's still a dumb thing.

Wisdom is found in knowing what you know and knowing that you don't know what you don't know.

A person who knows he has committed a mistake and doesn't correct it is committing another mistake.

When a wise man repents of his mistake, he makes amends by acts, and when a foolish man repents of his mistakes, he makes amends by words. If you are sorry for what you have done, then I suggest that you make amends by real acts.

What should concern you are the following: that you have forgotten to cultivate your character, that you have neglected your studies, that you have not been able to follow the right course when you have seen it, and that you have not been able to correct your mistakes.

To be patient and gentle, ready to teach, returning not evil for evil: that is the Jedi Way.

The Jedi by living a life of simple truth and earnestness, alone can help to bring about peace and order in the world. Only after having a definite pupose in life can one acieve calmness of mind. Only after ahaving achieved calmness of mind, can one have peaceful repose. Only after having peaceful repose can one begin to think clearly. Only after one has learned to think clearly, can one achieve knowledge. There are a foundation and superstructure in the constitution of things, and a beginning and an end in the course of events. Therefore to know the proper sequence or relative order of things is the beginning of wisdom.

Talking easily leads one into trouble because when you talk, you use so many words, and it is easy to let them out of your mouth, but difficult to take them back.

Do not worry about people not knowing your ability, but worry instead that you do not know them.
:: The Philosophy Assignment Nine ::
Out of the two (fiction 6 and rewrite 10) which do you feel is more applicable to you as a Jedi?
Do they pass the APBP Test?
Do you feel the 10 Rules can be used as a Diplomatic guide for conflict resolution for Jedi in everyday life? Why or Why Not?
What are you general thoughts and impressions of the overall Rules and Lecture offered by Steffan Karrade?